September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Rape of a 12-year-old girl: second trial, 18 new accused – Pakistanis, 82-year-old man and others

The second big “chapter” of the brutal sexual abuse of a 12-year-old schoolgirl, a resident of the Kolonos district, with many new accused, will be revealed in court.

In total, there are 18 men, most of them foreigners, who appear in the 78-page criminal case. Individuals should be prosecuted for crimes of a sexual nature and “contact” with a minor for reward. Some are accused of distributing child pornography.

As the girl told the court, “Mihos (the pimp—the “good uncle”) took all the money.” IN In her testimony, the minor described in detail “horrible dates” with the new accused. At the time, a joint jury in Athens sentenced 55-year-old Ilias Mihos to life in prison for raping a minor and an additional 27 years in prison for other crimes, including pimping. In fact, the 55-year-old man and his co-defendant, the so-called “Michalis,” were the only ones sent to prison to serve their sentences based on the decision.


17 defendants convicted as “clients” of a minor or as possessors of child pornographic materials were released. Also released from prison was the girl's mother, who was eventually found not guilty of criminal charges of pimping her daughter and child pornography. The 38-year-old woman was sentenced (for extortion only) to 20 months in prison. But because she had almost served most of the sentence given to her during her 18-month pretrial detention, she was immediately released.

However, the “Kolonos case” was not closed with the announcement of the above verdicts. Another interrogation was conducted in the Evelpidon court, because in the statements that the schoolgirl gave to the authorities, she identified other people who “used violence against her.”

When the interrogation was completed, the prosecutor decided to prosecute 18 more people. Among them are Pakistanis, an 82-year-old grandfather and other defendants. In total, about 100 people were involved in the case, including “decent family men” and deputies.

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