September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

JOBmatch – a platform for instant job search in tourism and catering

The new free application JOBmatch, together with the state employment service ΔΥΠΑ, is designed to directly connect tourism and catering enterprises with citizens who are looking for work in these specialties.

As of Monday, more than 5,000 citizens and 1,000 businesses have registered on the platform, and more than 3,000 “registrations” have been made, ΔΥΠΑ head Spyros Protopsaltis told ERTnews. “Tourism has grown significantly in recent years. Obviously, the demand for labor has also increased significantly and the point is for the tourism industry to become more competitive to be able to attract working youth into the industry, he said. “We, as a state employment agency, are responsible for doing everything in our power: on the one hand, so that enterprises find personnel, and on the other hand, so that people find work in this industry.”

Speaking about entrepreneurs in the sector, Mr Protopsaltis said that “they are competing for the same workers, so they should be offered more attractive service packages.”

The electronic platform is located at:

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