September 7, 2024

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How much does Mark Zuckerberg's gray blouse cost?

Everyone has their quirks, but almost none of them compare to the quirks of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

For many years, the American businessman has preferred to have only gray identical shirts with short and long sleeves in his wardrobe. Every day, when he comes to the office, he chooses a simple gray blouse instead of a formal suit. There are several occasions when he is forced to change his habit. He explained in an earlier interview: “I want to structure my life in such a way that I have to make as few decisions as possible outside the scope of my work. I am very fortunate that when I wake up every morning, I serve over a billion people. And I feel like I’m not doing my job right if I’m wasting energy on pointless things.”

According to American GQ, these T-shirts look like they're from Brunello Cucinelli, J. Crew or Elder Statesman. This means that if Mark Zuckerberg's T-shirt was from the Brunello Cucinelli brand, then each would cost $295. The Facebook CEO previously shared a photo of his wardrobe and the two types of tops he wears every day.

However, this choice of Zuckerberg is typical of smart people. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2016 confirms that the “problem of choice” can lead to a phenomenon known as “decision fatigue,” a state of mental exhaustion that results from constantly making decisions.

In this context, the concept of uniform clothing becomes a strategic response to reduce fatigue. By adopting a permanent wardrobe, people free up mental capacity that would otherwise be occupied with thinking about clothing choices.

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