June 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Germany: unknown persons desecrated the grave of B. Schäuble

According to the German newspaper Bild, unknown persons desecrated the grave of the former chairman of the Bundestag and ex-German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble from the Christian Democrats.

In particular, on the morning of May 13, officials of the municipality of Offenburg were stunned to discover a freshly dug hole at the grave of Wolfgang Schäuble. According to the police, the depth of the hole is about 1.20 m, but the criminal (or criminals) did not manage to reach Schäuble's coffin. Authorities are investigating the incident.

Schäuble died on December 26 last year at the age of 81. At his funeral in Offenburg in early January, in addition to family members, prominent politicians from across the German political spectrum said goodbye to him.

It is worth noting that Wolfgang Schäuble managed to ruin the lives of so many people during his lifetime, and also brought upon himself so much hatred that there is nothing surprising in what happened.

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