July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Notre Dame is promised to be renovated for the Olympics in Paris

Most of the new bell tower with golden rooster and cross has already been visible since the end of March, and the huge wooden roof has been visible since the beginning of the year. In a few months, only photographs will remind us of the devastating fire that destroyed Notre Dame five years ago.

The collapse of the narrow tower happened very quickly, in about an hour, amid the horrified looks and screams of hundreds of Parisians who had gathered on the banks of the Seine before the fire burned away part of the roof.

Images of the burning cathedral caused horror and fear around the world. Headings like “Our Lady of Tears” and “Paris Tragedy” featured in French and foreign newspapers. The day after the tragedy, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that the dilapidated church would be rebuilt within five years – an ambitious promise that few believed at the time.

Notre-Dame de Paris was saved from complete destruction on April 15, 2019, thanks to approximately 650 firefighters. Since that day, hundreds of craftsmen and workers have been working on its restoration, so that the building will soon be returned to its original appearance, in time for the start of the Olympic Games on July 26.



On this day it should almost completely appear in its new appearance. “The dismantling of the huge scaffolding, which recently towered 90 meters into the Parisian sky, must be completed by the start of the Games. said Philip Yost, head of the government agency in charge of the reconstruction. – The tower, the façades of the north and south transepts, and the roof beams must be visible at the start of the sporting events.”

According to representatives of the Elysee Palace, the cathedral must completely restore its appearance before the start of the Games.

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