February 17, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Sex: 10 most active countries

Did you know that the average Greek man will have sex with about 10 different partners in his life? For comparison, the global average is 9 sexual partners.

The average number of sexual partners can vary significantly from country to country as cultural norms influence the sex lives of citizens. According to World Population Review, the most sexually active country is Türkiye. The average Turk has 14.5 sexual partners in his lifetime. Quite strange, considering that more than 99% of the country's inhabitants are Muslims with traditional views on sex and relationships. In addition, it is worth noting that in Islam, polygamy for men is permitted within limited limits, while for women it is strictly prohibited.

In contrast, the Greek Orthodox Church (its members make up between 81.4% and 90% of the population) does not approve of polygamy. Christianity supports monogamy is a form of dyadic relationship in which a person has only one partner during his or her lifetime or one partner at a time.

Meanwhile, countries that are perceived to have more liberal views on sex, such as Brazil and France are at the very bottom of the list. The average Brazilian has dated 9 partners, which drops the country to 25th place. The French aren't particularly active either: they have 8.1 sexual partners (below the world average), which puts France 29th out of 46 countries.

Four out of 10 French people have sex only once a week. In fact, three out of four respondents (76%) said they had sex only once in the past twelve months. This is the lowest figure in half a century in France. Screen time clearly competes with sex time as a means of satisfying communication and/or sexual needs while reducing the amount of time couples spend together, the researchers note. 10 Most Sexually Active Countries:

  • Türkiye (14.5 people)
  • Australia (13.3)
  • New Zealand (13.2)
  • Iceland (13.0)
  • South Africa (12.5)
  • Finland (12.4)
  • Norway (12.1)
  • Italy (11.8)
  • Sweden (11.8)
  • Switzerland (11.1).

The average Greek citizen has sex with 10.6 partners in his lifetime. Greece is in 15th place on the list, along with Thailand and Israel. The US and Canada tied for 13th and 14th place, with Americans and Canadians having 10.7 sexual partners. Last on the list were China and India, whose citizens had sex with 3.1 and 3.0 people, respectively.

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