May 3, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Turning the hands of the clock: 7 + 1 advice on how to cope with the impact on the body

Today, on the night from Saturday to Sunday (from 30 to 31 March), Greece switches to daylight saving time.

The hands should be moved forward an hour at 3 am so that they show 4 o'clock. As a result, we lose an hour of sleep. Then, at pLast Sunday in October (27 October 2024)happens reverse processas we change from summer to winter time.

When the clock is moved back or forward an hour, most people experience some difficulties and a change in their condition, because it is difficult for the body to adapt to the new reality.

Many studies have shown that Changing time is associated with a number of unpleasant consequences for our health, such as a heart attack, stroke, car accident or even a mental health problem. The above problems associated with losing an hour of sleep as this can affect our brain, cloud the mind, become incapable of making decisions. There is also a decrease in productivity. However, the American organization The Sleep Foundation offers some practical advicewhich will help you cope with time changes more easily.

Go to bed early

Knowing that you're about to lose an hour of sleep, a smart move is to go to bed a few minutes earlier than usual. Something similar can happen over time with your other activities, such as eating and exercising. This is what is useful to do at least in the last week before the time change so that your body adapts.

Sleep longer

It would also be helpful maximize sleep duration, so that you have a “reserve” that will help you better withstand change. Research has shown that when we spend more time sleeping for short periods of time, we have more mental clarity when we miss certain hours of sleep for some reason, and sleepiness the next day after changing the time also decreases.

Follow breathing relaxation techniques

Through relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation, your mind and body will become more relaxed and calm, resulting in more restful sleep. They will also help you fall asleep easier if you wake up during the night.

Before you go to bed, turn your clock to the new time

This way you will avoid unforeseen situations the next day. If you use your mobile phone as an alarm clock, make sure that automatic time change is activated on it.

Go for a walk in the sun after the time change

During the period after the time change, be sure to go for a walk to get some time in the sun every day. Sunlight will help your body clock (i.e. circadian rhythm) better adjust to the new time.

Don't overload your schedule

Both on Sunday and Monday, when the transition to a new time occurs, it would be good not to plan important meetings or events. You should also avoid long car rides as you may feel drowsy.

Change your eating habits

It would be helpful to change your eating habits by consuming more sleep-friendly fruits and vegetables. To avoid weight gain, avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption, as well as fatty or spicy foods in the hours before bed. An important factor is also the fact of use last meal at least two hours before bedtime.

Sleep at noon

Taking a nap, even just 30 minutes, can help restore your alertness if you feel sleepy the day after the time change. Therefore, it is better to sleep for a few minutes in the first half of the day, when drowsiness begins to appear. If you sleep during the day in the late afternoon, you may have trouble sleeping at night.

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