September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

On Saturday, 2/03 at Ionia Odos (Gavrolimni heights), a driver noticed a wolf on the roadway and called the appropriate services. Police and firefighters were immediately mobilized and arrived at the scene to take the necessary security measures.

In recent years, the mountains and forests of Greece, after the tightening of hunting conditions, a decrease in active agricultural activity, and the introduction of many environmental measures, have begun to be filled with wild animals, many of which can be very dangerous to humans.

However, the wolf was never found. He is believed to have fled to the countryside.

In recent years, the mountains and forests of Greece, after the tightening of hunting conditions, a decrease in active agricultural activity, and the introduction of many environmental measures, have begun to be filled with wild animals, many of which can be very dangerous to humans.

Meeting wild nature is not only a joyful event, but also a responsible one. It should be remembered when going “out into the wild, into the pampas” that this is not a walk through a city park in the daytime. The mountains in Greece are the habitat not only of harmless hares and birds, but also of “more serious” animals, meeting with which is not only undesirable, but also dangerous. If you are planning a walk in the forest, then first learn the correct behavior when meeting a wild animal. Detailed in the material “Athens News”.


Wolves on Parnif

In recent years, wolves have begun to appear in both northern and central Greece. Their populations are still extremely small and amount to a few individuals. The animal, despite its danger, is extremely cautious and fears humans. The opinion that wolves constantly attack people is wrong. In fact, these animals pose a danger to humans only in exceptional cases. Nowadays, cases of wolf attacks on people are extremely rare. However, when going deep into the mountains or forest, always be prepared and on guard, and know how to protect yourself if such a threat arises.

Method 1. Meeting with a wolf

If you spot a wolf before it spots you, walk away quietly. It will be better if he doesn’t see you. There can always be several more individuals next to one wolf. If a wolf sees you, back away slowly. Always maintain eye contact and do not turn your back to the wolf. If you try to run, do so with the wolves in front of you. If wolves get behind you, their predatory instincts may kick in. Walk away slowly, facing the pack. Don’t run away. Wolves run faster than you, especially when moving through the forest. In addition, the wolf’s hunting instinct will trigger to grab the prey. If the wolves are not initially chasing you, then when you try to escape, they may begin to chase you. Don’t throw food for the wolf. Feeding wolves habituates them to humans, which makes them bolder. With “hand supply,” wolves may be more inclined to attack people in the future, when they cease to be afraid and perceive humans as a threat.

Method 2 What to do if attacked

Make as much noise as possible and act aggressively. Step on the wolf, make noise, howl. Retreat slowly. Continue to feign aggression.
Good self-defense tools include pepper spray, a stun gun, or a sharp object. If you don’t have all this, then even a branch or log will do. Remember that the wolf’s face and nose are very sensitive, so try to hit them with enough force. Always try to hit the face.
Breathe deeply and try to remain calm. Wolves sense your fear. If you are in a panic, you risk running away, thereby losing your chance to escape.
Scare the wolf. If the predator encounters sufficient resistance, he may give up his venture. If you are knocked down, try to fight off the attack and get back to your feet. Also shout as much as you can. By fighting back with all your might, then standing on your feet above the wolf and shouting aggressive sounds, you can become a large and dangerous target in the eyes of the wolf. Such actions can help you (you will not scare him, but at least you will simply confuse him). Take a defensive position: lean your back against a tree or boulder (rock, etc.) so that a pack of wolves cannot surround you. Do not try to cover yourself with your arms or curl into a fetal position – this will not help you avoid attacks and bites. In most cases, only reverse aggression works.

In the event of an attack by a pack or a lone wolf on a group of people, all children and wounded should be located in the center of the group, as the wolves will try to get to them first. Never allow wolves to split your group. Wolves always try to find the weakest link among their prey (which for them is you). First of all, they will attack children, because they are the most vulnerable. In 9 cases out of 10, wolves attack children.
When walking with your dog in the forest through the “territory of the wolf,” never let the dog out of your sight. Collect excrement, prohibit vocalization and “tagging trees.” All this can attract wolves, for whom you and the dog are uninvited guests, which is already a reason for an attack.

Camp organization
If you set up camp in the “vlock territory”, then light a fire. Wolves are afraid of fire. If wolves are circling the camp or are too close, light a smoky fire. Green leaves and damp wood will be a good source of smoke.
Once you have smoking coals, scatter them among several trees. Dip the branches in resin and set them on fire. Try to keep the source of the smoke on the leeward side.
Create a secure shelter using branches, sharp sticks, and other objects.
Try to make as much noise as possible. This can make you an unwanted target for wolves. You can sing songs or shout with the whole group, but not so much that you are completely exhausted. Knock on pots, kettles, metal mugs, thereby scaring away wolves.
Keep calm. Fire and/or smoke will be a great help for defense, and staying in a safe shelter will help you maintain your morale.


A lone wolf is unlikely to attack from the front, especially against a tall person.
Don’t you dare run! Wolves force their prey to flee because they know that while you are running, you will not be able to defend yourself. Never run, despite your fear.
Wolves are powerful predators, like huge and powerful dogs. A large person can easily handle a dog by hitting it hard in the face. It’s the same story with wolves. One large man against one medium-sized wolf almost always has a chance of emerging victorious. But it is better to avoid packs of wolves completely. If there is nothing at hand, then try to hit the wolf with the sole of your boot.

Meeting wild nature is not only a joyful event, but also a responsible one. It should be remembered when going “out into the wild, into the pampas” that this is not a walk through a city park in the daytime. The mountains in Greece are the habitat not only of harmless hares and birds, but also of “more serious” animals, meeting with which is not only undesirable, but also dangerous. If you are planning a walk in the forest, then first learn the correct behavior when meeting a wild animal. Detailed in the material “Athens News”.


Wolves on Parnif

In recent years, wolves have begun to appear in both northern and central Greece. Their populations are still extremely small and amount to a few individuals. The animal, despite its danger, is extremely cautious and fears humans. The opinion that wolves constantly attack people is wrong. In fact, these animals pose a danger to humans only in exceptional cases. Nowadays, cases of wolf attacks on people are extremely rare. However, when going deep into the mountains or forest, always be prepared and on guard, and know how to protect yourself if such a threat arises.

Method 1. Meeting with a wolf

If you spot a wolf before it spots you, walk away quietly. It will be better if he doesn’t see you. There can always be several more individuals next to one wolf. If a wolf sees you, back away slowly. Always maintain eye contact and do not turn your back to the wolf. If you try to run, do so with the wolves in front of you. If wolves get behind you, their predatory instincts may kick in. Walk away slowly, facing the pack. Don’t run away. Wolves run faster than you, especially when moving through the forest. In addition, the wolf’s hunting instinct will trigger to grab the prey. If the wolves are not initially chasing you, then when you try to escape, they may begin to chase you. Don’t throw food for the wolf. Feeding wolves habituates them to humans, which makes them bolder. With “hand supply,” wolves may be more inclined to attack people in the future, when they cease to be afraid and perceive humans as a threat.

Method 2 What to do if attacked

Make as much noise as possible and act aggressively. Step on the wolf, make noise, howl. Retreat slowly. Continue to feign aggression.
Good self-defense tools include pepper spray, a stun gun, or a sharp object. If you don’t have all this, then even a branch or log will do. Remember that the wolf’s face and nose are very sensitive, so try to hit them with enough force. Always try to hit the face.
Breathe deeply and try to remain calm. Wolves sense your fear. If you are in a panic, you risk running away, thereby losing your chance to escape.
Scare the wolf. If the predator encounters sufficient resistance, he may give up his venture. If you are knocked down, try to fight off the attack and get back to your feet. Also shout as much as you can. By fighting back with all your might, then standing on your feet above the wolf and shouting aggressive sounds, you can become a large and dangerous target in the eyes of the wolf. Such actions can help you (you will not scare him, but at least you will simply confuse him). Take a defensive position: lean your back against a tree or boulder (rock, etc.) so that a pack of wolves cannot surround you. Do not try to cover yourself with your arms or curl into a fetal position – this will not help you avoid attacks and bites. In most cases, only reverse aggression works.

In the event of an attack by a pack or a lone wolf on a group of people, all children and wounded should be located in the center of the group, as the wolves will try to get to them first. Never allow wolves to split your group. Wolves always try to find the weakest link among their prey (which for them is you). First of all, they will attack children, because they are the most vulnerable. In 9 cases out of 10, wolves attack children.
When walking with your dog in the forest through the “territory of the wolf,” never let the dog out of your sight. Collect excrement, prohibit vocalization and “tagging trees.” All this can attract wolves, for whom you and the dog are uninvited guests, which is already a reason for an attack.

Camp organization
If you set up camp in the “vlock territory”, then light a fire. Wolves are afraid of fire. If wolves are circling the camp or are too close, light a smoky fire. Green leaves and damp wood will be a good source of smoke.
Once you have smoking coals, scatter them among several trees. Dip the branches in resin and set them on fire. Try to keep the source of the smoke on the leeward side.
Create a secure shelter using branches, sharp sticks, and other objects.
Try to make as much noise as possible. This can make you an unwanted target for wolves. You can sing songs or shout with the whole group, but not so much that you are completely exhausted. Knock on pots, kettles, metal mugs, thereby scaring away wolves.
Keep calm. Fire and/or smoke will be a great help for defense, and staying in a safe shelter will help you maintain your morale.


A lone wolf is unlikely to attack from the front, especially against a tall person.
Don’t you dare run! Wolves force their prey to flee because they know that while you are running, you will not be able to defend yourself. Never run, despite your fear.
Wolves are powerful predators, like huge and powerful dogs. A large person can easily handle a dog by hitting it hard in the face. It’s the same story with wolves. One large man against one medium-sized wolf almost always has a chance of emerging victorious. But it is better to avoid packs of wolves completely. If there is nothing at hand, then try to hit the wolf with the sole of your boot.

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