July 27, 2024

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Former Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva was killed in the Moscow region

Former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ilya Kiva was found dead. His body was found in the village of Suponevo in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, RIA Novosti and RBC write, citing sources.

The body of Ilya Kiva was found in a pool of blood on the afternoon of December 6, lying in the snow in the park near the Velich Country Club hotel, where he permanently lived, the VChK-OGPU telegram channel reported. According to an RT source in law enforcement agencies, death occurred around 15:00.

According to his information, Kiva received a gunshot wound in the forest park, after which, bleeding, he walked along the path towards the main hotel building. Mash writes that Kiva has a cut wound and a hematoma. Telegram channels Shot and Baza reported that Kiva, according to preliminary information, was killed with a pistol shot to the head. According to Baza, Kiva told his acquaintances that he was being followed.

A number of Ukrainian channels write that this is a special operation of the SBU. Supposedly they congratulated us on Ukrainian Armed Forces Day.

Ukrainian media claim that Kiva was killed as a result of a special operation by the Security Service of Ukraine. This was reported by Ukrainska Pravda, Suspilna, Hromadske and many other Ukrainian media, citing anonymous sources.

Representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Andrey Yusov also told the Suspilne publication that Kiva was killed: “We can confirm that Kiva is everything. And the same fate will befall other traitors to Ukraine, as well as henchmen of the Putin regime.” Margarita Simonyan and former Rada deputy Oleg Tsarev also reported that Kiva was killed. The office of the President of Ukraine refused to comment to Meduza on reports of the death of Ilya Kiva.


Kiva’s last post on the telegram channel this morning was that he called Zelensky to commit suicide.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported that it had opened a criminal case “in connection with the murder” of Ilya Kiva. “According to preliminary data from the investigation, in the evening, in the park of one of the cottage villages in the village of Suponevo, Odintsovo urban district, an unknown person fired shots at the victim from an unidentified weapon. Considering the closed settlement, the operation is complex and takes a long time to prepare.

The Russian publication Mash claims that Ilya Kiva has been followed for at least the last three weeks. “During this time, the killer managed to thoroughly study the habits of the former Ukrainian politician. 2.5 months ago he moved to the Velich Country Club hotel. Recently, a former Ukrainian deputy reported about possible surveillance of him,” the publication says.

According to the publication, Kiva lived with his partner. “Every day he went for evening walks in the park. Today he repeated the same route, but did not return. A local resident was the first to discover his already numb body – Kiva’s corpse had lain in the cold for at least an hour since the murder,” reports Mash.


Ilya Kiva was born in Poltava in 1977, in the family of a test worker at the Znamya plant. He is the grandson of World War II veteran and hero of the Soviet Union Philip Kiva. He worked at the Ukrsvyazmontazh enterprise, at the Donetsk railway, in the state highway service, and in the department for the protection of consumer rights in the Poltava region. While working in the department, in 2011, he was arrested on suspicion of bribery.

In December 2013, the Oktyabrsky District Court of Poltava sentenced him to pay a fine of 10,200 hryvnia and deprived him of the right to hold public office for a year. In the same year, Ilya Kiva became vice-president of the International Domino Federation (before that he was already president of the Ukrainian federation). As he later (after Maidan) stated, he took up domino in order to “enter Putin’s circle” through the head of the Russian Domino Federation, Borzov, who was friends with Shoigu.

In August 2014, Kiva was appointed commander of the Poltava Shchyna battalion and received an amnesty. He was also a member of the Right Sector and fought in the Donbass as part of the ATO forces. He received state awards of Ukraine.


He has repeatedly made harsh statements against Russia. In December 2014, Kiva was appointed deputy head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Donetsk region. In the summer of 2015, he became deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Kherson region with the rank of police lieutenant colonel. At the same time he headed the “Union of ATO Veterans” in Poltava.

From October 2015 to May 2016, he worked as the head of the Department for Combating Drug Crime of the National Police, then as an adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov. During this period of his life, Kiva was considered close to the minister and politically connected with him.

But later in Kiva’s political career there was a sharp turn – from 2019 to 2022 he became a people’s deputy from the Opposition Platform – For Life faction. He was included in the OPZH list under Vadim Rabinovich’s quota.

During this period, Ilya Kiva sharply changed his rhetoric, began to advocate peace in Donbass, renew ties with Russia, and criticize the far right. He founded the organization “Patriots for Life”, formed, among other things, from ATO veterans.

On January 30, 2022, Kiva left Ukraine, moving to Alicante (Spain), and from there to Moscow. He turned to Vladimir Putin with a request to grant him political asylum and Russian citizenship. Later he refused the mandate of the people’s deputy. After the start of the full-scale invasion, he fully supported Russia’s actions.

In May of the same year, Kivu was put on the international wanted list. In Ukraine, he was accused of treason, war propaganda, encroachment on territorial integrity, calls for the seizure of state power and the dissemination of communist symbols. On November 13, a court in Lviv gave Kiva 14 years in prison in absentia.

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