September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Restaurant charges extra for parents whose children make a fuss

A restaurant in the US is making it clear to its customers that it does not tolerate shouting or fussing from small children, and in the most unexpected way.

In particular, the Toccoa Riverside restaurant asks parents to pay extra if their children make a mess in a public establishment. The clause is printed in small print at the bottom of the price list under the heading “additional charge.” It explains that the amount is taken from “parents who cannot control their children: ‘If there is no respect, then there is no service.'”

How clients react to “innovation”
Some restaurant patrons only found out about the unusual fee when they received the bill. “The owner came to me and said he was going to charge me an extra $50 because of my children’s behavior,” Kyle Ladman wrote. “My children looked at their tablets until their food was brought to them, then they ate. After we were waiting for the bill, my wife gave them gadgets again,” the offended father of the family is indignant, claiming that “the children did not make any noise at all.”

For her part, his wife Lindsey told NBC News Today that she “couldn’t believe it. The children sat at the table and were very quiet. I remember even saying, “I can’t believe how well they behaved.”

“If you have children, do not go to this restaurant under any circumstances. The rude owner made a scene for us in front of the entire restaurant because our children were “running around and making noise.” He told us that we deserved to be “punished” for “, in his opinion, we are bad parents,” the woman wrote on her blog.

What does the restaurant owner say?
The restaurant owner stated that the additional $50 was charged “because the children were behaving inappropriately, making a lot of noise, running around and disturbing the peace of other restaurant patrons.” “We’ve had this policy for many years,” a restaurant spokesperson told NBC News.

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