September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Souvlaki: prices are out of control

The price of souvlaki, a Greek favorite “street food”, has risen on most of the Greek islands, and it seems to be a “subject / dish of national pride”
tends to turn … into a luxury item.

Perhaps once souvlaki was a “cheap” food, and four euros was enough for someone to buy two souvlaki and eat, but those days seem to be gone forever, as now on some islands 4 euros is not enough even for one souvlaki (gyros, “τυλιχτό”).

You must be very lucky if you find gyros for less than 3 euros. Where things are really “awful” with this is on the islands. This means that the “all day on the beach and eating only souvlaki” plan for a budget or extended vacation does not work. Greek souvlaki, a favorite food of foreign and Greek tourists, mostly young people, from the “cheap and quick” decision to get enough, retained only the second characteristic.

Gyros is no longer an ally of those who want to save money and relax on a budget, without visiting “expensive” catering establishments – taverns and restaurants that leave a “hole in their pocket”. According to Alpha research, lowest pricesfor which pork gyros (souvlaki, “τυλιχτό”) are soldthe following:

  • Salamina €3.30
  • Aegina €3.30
  • Agistri 3.8 euros
  • Hydra 4.5 euro
  • Mykonos 4.5 euro
  • Paros 3.5 euros
  • Ios 4 euro
  • Santorini €3.9
  • Chania 3.5 euro
  • Corfu 3.5 euro
  • Kefalonia 3.8 euros.

Considering that the price of souvlaki rose to 3-3.2 euros in January, a new price increase is perceived … “easily” (as a matter of course). And there is no end in sight to the rise in price. Because the price of flour (and eventually gyros cakes) has gone up.

Thessaloniki restaurant owner Manolis Kapetanakis explained: “In January we were selling gyros for between 3.20 and 3.30 euros. But now the prices of everything are rising, and it is no longer possible to contain them in any way. In our business, we strive in every possible way to keep the price of souvlaki, which people love so much, at a low level. We are fighting.”

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