September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Putin’s expression baffled Western translators

Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin has several times used in his speeches ambiguous expressions: “to hell with them!”, “to hell with it!”. The Western media found themselves in difficulty, but they still found an adequate, in their opinion, translation.

Edition BB.LV informsthat the British The Daily Telegraph distinguished itself in performing a difficult task. Her translation soundslike “Go to hell!” and clearly demonstrates the mental gulf between Russia and the West. The expression “fuck them!” by no means has an apocalyptic meaning, it rather means “they will not wait.”

The West should know, just in case: in order to send an opponent “to hell”, there are completely different expressions in Russian. It is possible that the Russian president is saving them for a last resort. When he spoke, for example, about the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons, he used rather streamlined language, with a hint that this could happen only as a last resort if the West undertook direct aggression against the Russian Federation.

Literally, a fragment of Putin’s speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum sounded like this: “Russia has more nuclear weapons than the NATO countries, they want us to reduce it – fuck them.”

However, a simple web search reveals that Putin uses this expression quite often over the years, so it is not clear why the Western media still find it difficult to translate.

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