September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Experts predict 5-8 annual floods in Thessaloniki and other cataclysms

In connection with the climate crisis, the expert forecast for Thessaloniki for the coming decade 2023-2033 is a well-founded alarm.

Experts predict extreme weather events throughout Greece, but especially in the north of the country and in the Thessaloniki region, where up to 5-8 intense floods are expected per year. Experts are talking about tripling the number of extreme events.

Meteorologist Michalis Siutas, speaking at the event of the Technical Chamber of Central Macedonia on the occasion of the World Environment Day with the report “Climate change – impact on the coastal zone – flood protection of Thessaloniki”, said:

“… based on the most likely scenario, 5 to 8 floods per year are predicted in the Thessaloniki area in the next decade, 2023-33. We find that extreme and severe weather events in Thessaloniki have tripled compared to previous years due to climate change, as well as anthropogenic interventions and lack of flood protection measures.”

According to the meteorologist, in the past, extreme events happened once or twice a year or did not happen at all. In recent years, there have been six or seven such episodes with large-scale consequences in Thessaloniki. The natural and urban environment has become highly vulnerable to natural disasters and extreme weather events, resulting in frequent floods, landslides, and environmental changes in coastal areas where there is significant erosion.

Referring to the impacts of climate change already recorded and to future assessments, Mr. Sioutas described Thessaloniki, with large areas around the present-day Axios delta flooded as a result of sea level rise to a depth of 50-100 years, and Aristotle Square in Thessaloniki, flooded up to the area of ​​Tsimiski Street . A recent UN report, the meteorologist noted, highlights the following:

“Extreme weather events and anthropogenic climate change over the past 50 years have claimed the lives of two million people and caused US$4.3 trillion in damage between 1976-2021, and there have been 11,778 major disasters caused by climate change. In 2020-21 years, the number of deaths caused by extreme weather events worldwide will be 22,607, but if it were not for life-saving early warnings, there would be about 50,000.

He noted that more than 90% of deaths from these events occur in the poorest developing countries. Rich countries have suffered more in terms of economic, financial losses. Mortality is declining, but the economic impact of weather disasters has risen sharply, increasing seven-fold from 1970 to 2019, from $49 million a day in the 1970-80s to $383 million a day in the last decade of 2010-20. Ciutas emphasized, quotes CNN Greece:

“Infrastructure, such as storm sewer pipes, was designed to handle less water and population, and as a result is now inadequate. Necessary work must be carried out immediately, but new technological tools and early warnings must also be used to prevent the risk of loss of human lives.” .

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