July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Volos: a father who beat a young son sued … a neighbor-witness

A man who brutally beat his 11-year-old son with a broom stick filed a lawsuit against a neighbor who called the police.

The man considered that by her act she “tarnished” his reputation and estimated the moral damage at 150,000 euros.

How informs gegonota.news, a resident of Volos “raised” his son with a stick. Passers-by stopped, hearing the pleas of the child, and the neighbor, who saw the execution from her window, could not stand it and called the police.

By the time the police car arrived, the boy was already in the yard and frightenedly asked his father, who was following him, if he would beat him. The answer sounded “promising”: “I will leave you without legs.” Neighbors and passers-by heard all this, but they continued to silently observe the development of events.

All the experiences of the child are described in the case file, but the defendant was not the father, but the neighbor who called the law enforcement officers. The father found out who it was and filed a lawsuit, motivating his complaint by the fact that his “honor and dignity” suffered as a result of her actions.

Meanwhile, as is customary in such cases, the family was visited by employees of the social service. However, in a strange way, their visit took place a month after the incident, when numerous bruises from the child’s body had already disappeared, which is noted in the case file.

It is expected that the case will be considered in the near future. The judge who considered the father’s claim dismissed it, believing that the child had been severely abused by the “loving” parent. The neighbor who filed the complaint, although she faced certain difficulties, did not withdraw the claim and is counting on a fair court decision.

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