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Blogger-raw eater starved a month-old baby

Born on February 11, 2023, the baby died on March 8, not even a month old. Diagnosis – pneumonia and exhaustion. Parents are suspected of not feeding their son for a long time.

The baby’s father is the famous Russian raw food blogger Maxim Lyuty, a resident of St. Petersburg, who recently moved with his family to Sochi. He actively promotes a raw food diet – nutrition based on the use of raw foods. His wife Oksana is 33 years old. The couple are accused of pushing their little one to exhaustion, from which he died. As writes Russian edition, On March 8, the child became ill, in the hospital doctors pronounced him dead. Doctors called the cause of death exhaustion and pneumonia.

On March 14, the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory announced the initiation of a criminal case under the article on causing death by negligence (Part 1 of Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The investigation claims that “due to the baby’s prolonged refusal to eat and the deterioration of his health,” on March 8, his parents decided to take him to the hospital, but he died before he was taken there.

Two days later, the department announced the detention of the mother of the baby and the indictment of her. The press release notes that on February 11, 2023, the woman gave birth to a child at home, “did not apply to the hospital for qualified help.” She did not register her son in a medical institution and did not allow doctors to examine the baby.

The blogger’s acquaintances told reporters that he “ignored the child’s basic needs and tried to transfer him to pranaeedia” – that is, a diet in which people go without water and food for a long time. The media write that the couple “literally starved their son to death.”

St. Petersburg blogger Lyuty has been actively promoting “healthy”, in his sophisticated way, nutrition for ten years already: raw food diet, fruit diet, solar energy nutrition and other similar experiments “leading to spiritual enlightenment, eternal youth and health.” Maxim began his journey through experiments in the diet after a trip to India. He once remembered:

People go there who, for religious reasons, are vegetarians, at least. I saw these people. They felt great, I also wanted to try. I became a vegetarian, then after five years I began to exclude milk and some other products. Became a vegan (refusal not only from meat, but also from dairy products), and a month later a raw foodist. Then a mono-raw foodist (one meal – one product, strictly without heat treatment). Then he became a fruit eater. When a person is less dependent on food, this speaks of his inner world, his spiritual life.

Following dietary experiments, Maxim lost 20 kilograms, stopped drinking, smoking and using drugs. And … I decided to become a “guru”, to bring my experience to people. To do this, he started a blog on nutrition, and soon sold his “knowledge” to subscribers. The “guru” called his project “an author’s course on healing the soul and body.” Ten days of reboot cost 39 thousand rubles.

According to Lyuty, by the age of 30, due to smoking, alcohol and drugs, he had accumulated a lot of diseases, including chronic sinusitis, migraine, prostatitis and gastritis. He never advertised his personal life. In social networks there is not a single photo with his wife or son. The blogger did not favor women, he even gained the fame of a misogynist. He wrote on social media:

“The skirt (that is, the woman) will wait, everything is clear with her – she needs attention, give gifts and discuss some unimportant nonsense, enjoy the moments when this skirt has no holidays and her head does not hurt.”

The blogger’s wife’s name is Oksana and, apparently, she meets all the standards of the whimsical Maxim – she keeps an eye on the hearth and does not shine on social networks. There is little information about her, writes SPB.KP.RU: originally from Cheboksary, 33 years old. The couple settled in Sochi in 2022, the baby was born on February 11, 2023 at home. The couple decided not to sign. How exactly they raise their son, says one of the subscribers-students of the blogger Jeanne:

During the raw food program, we talked with Maxim every evening, and then he gave us his opinion on feeding babies. Maxim answered clearly that babies do not need food at all. We do not support him, but everyone has their own opinion. Apparently his child ate solar energy (and the man promoted this practice).

At the same time, Lyuty never hid his position on the nutrition of children and publicly shared it. Under a posted photo of two little girls, his client’s daughters, he wrote:

“Well, doubting mothers and fathers, here is a family of raw foodists for you. These girls have been on a raw food diet for 4 years and look great, don’t they? Not like your chubby overfeeders. And what energy comes from them! And all children should be like that, then you don’t have to worry about our future. They don’t go to school, they don’t load themselves with any rubbish, and they learn on their own what will definitely come in handy for them. They will live happily ever after. Praise dad for overcoming all these barriers in the form of grandmothers and murderous relatives of his own relatives, it was hard.

Apparently, Lyuty adhered to similar principles in raising his own child. One of the versions is that they stopped feeding the baby with mother’s milk, transferring to one of the nutrition programs that the blogger preached. However, there is no official confirmation of such a development of events yet, investigators are waiting for the results of a forensic medical examination.

The court appointed Lyuty administrative arrest for 10 days on charges of disobedience to police officers: when he was being taken to investigative actions, he tried to jump out of a police car and run away.

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