September 19, 2024

Athens News

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Evil brute – a character trait or disease

There are many people around us who, at every opportunity, pour out bile and anger on others. It turns out that the disease is often to blame for this – 12 well-known ailments can turn a person into an “ulcer” and a rude person.

Cardiac ischemia

As a result of damage to the coronary arteries, the heart does not have enough oxygen. Symptoms of this disease are shortness of breath, arrhythmia and … attacks of anger. At the same time, unbridled rage can suddenly pour out on anyone. A person with CAD is highly suspicious and more likely to commit physical or verbal abuse. Aggression may be a consequence of coronary heart disease.

Hypertonic disease

There is an interesting term in medicine: “hypertensive character”. Its distinguishing features are irascibility, suspiciousness, anxiety and suspicion. A hypertensive person is able, for example, to accept with suspicion an offer of sincere help and support in difficult times. And every bout of stress provokes an increase in blood pressure, which leads to anxiety and suspicion …

kidney problems

Kidney diseases, as a rule, become the cause of general intoxication of the body. This is manifested by increased fatigue, lethargy, decreased concentration. Such a patient often strives for loneliness and can voice in a rather rude form so that “everyone leaves him alone.”

Liver disease

The bilious person is about them having problems with the liver. This important organ is multifunctional, and the slightest failure in its work is fraught with a violation of the well-functioning work of the whole organism. No wonder stinging people are often called bile – there is a direct relationship. Those suffering from various “liver” ailments are caustic, try to pin up the interlocutor and are overly touchy. If you notice such manifestations in yourself, pay attention to the presence of symptoms of liver disease – discomfort in the right side under the ribs, fairly frequent vomiting, lack of appetite, flatulence. Maybe it’s time to see a doctor?

stomach ulcer

The main character trait of “ulcers” is pickiness. As, however, with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Any trifle can cause irritation and an inadequate reaction, expressed in attacks on others.

Diseases of the thyroid gland

Hormones and mood are closely related, and therefore the behavior of the disorder of the functionality of the thyroid gland changes most clearly. Endocrinological diseases can cause psychosis and neurosis, with all the “ensuing” consequences, as they say. In the formation of personality and the formation of character, the thyroid gland plays an almost main role – the second after the brain.

Alzheimer’s disease

The impotence and helplessness that this disease causes in a person due to damage to the brain excludes the very possibility of being a pleasant, sweet conversationalist. Those who have come across can confirm that communication with such a person is quite difficult.

Pick’s disease

A rare disease affects the central nervous system, by analogy with Alzheimer’s disease, but proceeds more acutely and malignantly, rapidly leading to the disintegration of the personality. Peak’s symptoms are foul language, rudeness, obscene behavior (see video below).


Sometimes doctors themselves are not able to accurately diagnose schizophrenia, which has many symptoms. But among them, outbreaks of aggression occupy a special place – they are present in all forms of the disease.

Insomnia or insomnia

Sleep disorder is stress, and constant irritability in this case is not at all surprising. Undoubtedly, breaking loose in public is not the best way to throw out fatigue from the inability to fully relax.

Hormonal disbalance

This violation in the work of the body, as is commonly believed, is the privilege of women. But men also have similar problems. The consequences of hormonal disruptions are countless. At the same time, both a man with an increased level of testosterone and a woman who has gained weight and, in a defensive reaction, deprives herself of emotional control, can differ in rudeness.


This is an affective disorder, the hallmark of which is mood swings between depression and persistent high spirits – hyperthymia. In depression, a person insults others, is not shy in expressions, and is not even aware of the consequences of his own words and actions.

Considering the above, do not rush to condemn the rude man – what if it is not he who is to blame, but the ailment that is tormenting him? This is especially important if such behavior is demonstrated by a person close and dear to you.

Pick’s disease:

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