September 19, 2024

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German chemical attack thwarted (video)

In the Ruhr region, German police detained a 32-year-old Iranian citizen and his brother, who are suspected of preparing an Islamist terrorist attack, using the chemicals ricin and cyanide.

On the night of Sunday, November 8, a special police unit for combating terrorism carried out an arrest operation. Police special forces stormed the apartment of an Iranian in the city of Castrop-Rauxel at midnight. The suspect and, presumably, his brother, were taken outside in only their underwear and put into a police van. The detainees offered no resistance. informs D.W. The prosecutor’s office said:

“The accused is suspected of preparing a serious violent act that poses a threat to the state.”

The detainee is accused of acquiring the chemical warfare agent ricin and highly toxic cyanide. The investigating authorities do not specify how far the suspect has advanced in the preparation of the attack and the possible goals of the terrorist attack. According to Bild, the Iranian Federal Criminal Office (BKA) kept an eye on the Iranian for several days. Information about the preparation of the attack came to the German security forces from a “friendly intelligence service.”

Later, the AFP agency, citing prosecutor Holger Heming, reported that during a search of the suspected place of residence, no signs of the presence of hazardous chemicals were found. Düsseldorf prosecutors have requested an arrest warrant for both men, dpa reported.

A terrorist attack using ricin can lead to a large number of victims. Four years ago, police detained a Tunisian and his German wife in Cologne, who had made ricin themselves in their home, and carried out a test explosion. The couple were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. Experts found that the ricin they produced could have killed 13,500 people.

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