September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

In Germany, they are actively stealing … firewood

Because of the unlimited energy prices in Germany, they began to actively steal wood, providing themselves with future home comfort and warmth.

German news portal Tagesschau writes:

“With the recent rise in energy prices, wood has experienced a renaissance. Firewood has also become expensive and is in demand nowadays. Many sellers now only supply them to their regular customers, and the prices continue to rise.”

The publication notes the shortage of firewood in Germany and compares their cost with the same period last year. In 2021, the cost of a cubic meter of wood was approximately 60-70 euros. In October 2022, evaluating various offers, you can be sure that citizens need to pay 200+ euros for one cubic meter. According to the portal, this has led to a significant increase in cases of timber theft in forests.

As our publication previously reported, in Greece, an opportunity for residents of the mountainous regions of the country cut wood under the supervision of the relevant forest services, to cover the needs of the winter season, is provided by the Ministry of Environment and Energy with the relevant circular signed by the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy Georgios Amiras.

As a reminder, already free firewood from forest labor cooperatives (Δασικούς Συνεταιρισμούς Εργασίας (ΔΑΣΕ) is available to residents throughout Greece. This year, the Ministry allocated 4,500,000 euros, which is the largest allocation in the last decade, to the inspectorate services for the implementation of forest policy ( Macedonia-Thrace, Epirus-Western Macedonia, Thessaly-Sterea, Peloponnese-Western Greece and Ionia) to cover the individual needs of the inhabitants of the mountainous regions of the country.

But some go the other way: over 80 olive trees attackers turned into firewood. The injured olive grower was speechless when he visited his orchard in the mountain village of Parnasis (Phokis) to check on the condition of the trees and the ripeness of the fruit. Someone has infiltrated his territory and destroyed the trees! The illegal felling of trees took place between the fifteenth of August and the first week of September. The man filed a lawsuit with the Amfissa-Delphi Police Department, which took over the preliminary investigation in order to find the criminals who turned the whole olive grove into firewood.

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