September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Music teacher accused of molesting underage girls

A 60-year-old music teacher has been arrested on charges of molesting his underage students. According to the police, it is confirmed that nine-year-old and eleven-year-old schoolgirls were molested, and the possibility of molesting another 9-year-old girl is being checked.

We are talking about Panagiotis Drakos, who taught flute at the Preloudio Music School. In particular, a 60-year-old teacher, divorced and father of two, seduced girls aged 9 and 11 who had already testified to the police, while a similar incident against a 9-year-old girl who had not yet testified because she was on vacation , is also under investigation.

The perpetrator, according to police, confessed to his heinous actions, which he photographed. The photos were found at his home and helped authorities confirm his actions. The man was arrested after the parents of a 9-year-old girl complained in late July about what happened when she went to music lessons.

As a result of a search of the pedophile’s house, as well as a strip search, two laptop computers, an external hard drive and a digital camera, two pistols, a shotgun with a cut barrel and butt, a barrel, a bolt, six knives and two folding batons, 549 rounds of ammunition were found and seized. various calibers, two rifle cartridges, and two digital radio stations. He claimed that he had the weapon for security reasons.

The arrested person is accused of seducing children under the age of twelve, repeatedly debauching minors, possessing child pornography materials, and violating the law on weapons. He appeared before the prosecutor of the Athens City Court and was sent to the investigator.

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