September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

10-year-old arsonist arrested in Lesbos

Unbelievable, but true: against the backdrop of fires raging in Greece in Lesvos, a child was detained for deliberate arson.

The ten-year-old boy liked to watch the work of firefighters, and he decided to arrange an interesting spectacle for himself – this is what the police detainee said. He confessed, he writes, that in the area of ​​​​Agia Kyriaki set fire to two bushes. When asked by the police why he did it, the boy replied:

“Because I like to watch the firefighters put them out.”

A minor child has been charged with premeditated arson. The case is being investigated by the juvenile prosecutor’s office. Surely the investigators will have questions to the parents of a 10-year-old child – where were they when their child was entertained in this way, and whether due attention is paid to the upbringing process in this family.

Meanwhile, the fire continues to rage throughout Greece. Yesterday forest fire on the island of Thassos went out of control, despite the strengthening of fire and air assets. One village received an evacuation order. Two volunteers are injured.

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