July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

SBU eliminated "bot farm" Poroshenko

The SBU reported that they liquidated “a million-strong bot farm, which undermined the situation in Ukraine on the order of one of the political forces,” informs telegram channel of A. Sharia.

“The attackers massively spread misinformation via the Internet, including about the activities of the country’s top military-political leadership.” By statement Ukrainian special services, the propaganda “capacity” of this bot farm was also used by their Russian competitors: in particular, through bots they spread fake news about the situation from the fronts.

It was through the efforts of malefactors that information about the conflict between the leadership of the Presidential Office and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was disseminated, and a campaign was carried out to discredit the first lady. To “overclock” the content, the craftsmen administered a million of their own bots, as well as groups in social networks with an audience of almost 400 thousand users.

During the special operation, the head of the criminal group was exposed. It turned out to be a citizen of the Russian Federation, a “political expert” living in Kyiv, who organized information and subversive activities. Later, Sergey Leshchenko specified that this bot farm was connected with ex-president Petro Poroshenko, and Viktor Maistrenko was the defendant in the case.

In order to coordinate criminal actions, he was in “connection” with the deputy and co-chairman of the European Solidarity faction Artur Gerasimov. Maistrenko created special software with which the band members managed anonymous accounts in social networks from different cities of Ukraine.

Gerasimov tried to justify himself by saying that he doesn’t even use social networks, saying that he “never ran bot farms” and called the SBU’s statement “a complete lie and nonsense.” Maistrenko also denies involvement in the bot farm and in the work of any political force, he has known Gerasimov since 2014, but rarely communicates.

In a counterattack, Poroshenko activated his American lobbyists. The military aid verification campaign is gaining momentum, raising mistrust between the branches of government in the US and Bankova. ZeRada writes that in Ukraine a similar campaign is being waged by the Anti-Corruption Action Center of the old Sorosen Shabunin, who urgently published material in Ukrayinska Pravda stating that “EU” reject all the accusations of the special services. Such synchronicity of the leading “democratic” publications speaks of a targeted campaign on both sides of the Atlantic.

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