September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece records first child death from acute hepatitis

Greek National Health Organization ΕΟΔΥ announced the death of a child from acute hepatitis on Wednesday afternoon. The victim was a 13 month old baby. This is the first child death from acute hepatitis reported in the country.

ΕΟΔΥ statement:

Today, the first death of a child associated with severe acute hepatitis of unclear etiology has been recorded in our country. This is a 13-month-old baby who was admitted to a private children’s clinic for two days of fever and lethargy.

From the tests performed, liver failure and cerebral edema were found and, despite the efforts of doctors, the child, unfortunately, died.

Since the announcement of an increase in cases of acute hepatitis of unknown etiology in the United Kingdom, according to the World Health Organization, 920 such cases have been reported in 33 countries around the world.

Of all cases reported worldwide, 45 (5%) required liver transplantation and 18 (2%) were fatal.

It is noted that in recent weeks there has been a steady decline in incidents at the international level.

To date, 11 other cases have been reported in Greece that meet the criteria for a “probable case” of acute hepatitis of unknown etiology in children, as defined by the World Health Organization.

These cases did not require special treatment, did not cause any complications, and the children are in excellent condition, the conclusion says. EODY .

First confirmed cases acute hepatitis appeared in the country in May 2022. Experts say 5-10 severe cases expected hepatitis in children.

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