September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Couple with newborn baby confronted by armed robber

The burglary attempt took place early Sunday morning in Vasiliko (Evia), in the home of a young couple and their newborn child.

The residents experienced moments of horror when a masked robber appeared before them, who was clutching a gun in his hand. He masterfully opened the door (without signs of forced entry), but got into trouble when the family was at home. According to, the offender, who encountered the owners of the house, was taken aback and immediately disappeared. Leaving the apartment, the couple discovered that a tablecloth was thrown over the security camera, and therefore it is not known who got into the house, writes Residents immediately notified authorities, and Emergency Response patrol cars rushed to the crime scene, but were unable to find the wanted perpetrator.

AT upcoming holiday season people will spend more time outside the home. But when leaving on vacation, you need to make sure that the windows and doors are securely closed, and everything possible is done to make life difficult for thieves.

“An unlocked door, an open window, valuables that are clearly visible – all this attracts thieves. Therefore, such a slight movement as turning a key in a lock or a window handle will help keep you out of trouble. As a rule, thieves memorize such places and know where they can find something valuable. Most thefts are committed on weekends, when it is likely that the owners are not at home, ”says a leading specialist in the police department.

Remember, when things are left unattended and windows and doors are open, half the work for the thieves is already done. “It is our responsibility as owners to use all possible methods to make life difficult for thieves. This means that it is necessary to invest in lighting, CCTV cameras and alarms,” the expert summed up.

Attention: if you returned home and saw an open door or a broken window, this indicates that a thief could have visited your house. Therefore, you should not touch anything or put the room in order – you should immediately call the police.

How to protect your property:

  • Keep your front door locked, even when you are at home.
  • When you leave home or go to bed, close your windows and lock your door.
  • Make sure your possessions are secure when you are away, such as a bike or lawn mower in a securely locked barn.
  • On social media, do not publicly share your vacation plans and do not post information indicating that you will be away from home for a long time.
  • A sense of security can only be created together – know your neighbors, discuss with them the possibility of creating a neighborhood watch zone. Good relations with neighbors will allow you not to worry about the safety of property during a long absence. When you’re away for a long time, let trusted neighbors know and ask them to get mail out of the mailbox.
  • Mark valuables such as tools, bicycles, appliances, take a photo of them and save the photo. Marked items are harder to sell, and when they are found, the owner is easier to identify.
  • Theft can be prevented by an alarm system and the use of the services of a security company.
  • Store your smart car keys in a safe place, such as a metal or foil-lined box. Do not store such keys near the front door or windows.
  • Noticing suspicious people or cars near the house, both at night and during the day, report this to the police.

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