September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Power Pass: When Electricity Benefit Recipients Get Money

According to a new announcement by Deputy Finance Minister Theodoros Skilakakis, the platform will be open for two weeks for electricity allowance recipients to apply.

Theodoros Skylakakis today confirmed that Power Pass applications will open from June 14th to 15th, with refunds of up to 60% of overcharges to occur in the first days of July.

It is recalled that, according to the ΥΠΟΙΚ amendment, yesterday a register of electricity quota beneficiaries was opened, who will retroactively receive a refund on “overestimated” bills for the period from December 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022. To determine the categories of beneficiaries, now net income is taken into accountsince “there were shortcomings in the previous solution.”

When asked by a journalist whether the subsidy would cover 80 to 85% of the amount already paid by citizens and businesses for electricity, Theodoros Skilakakis replied that it was a complex system in which “a certain amount is covered in each individual case.” A number of different interventions (final calculations) are being carried out, resulting in a much better position for vulnerable households and small businesses.

As Athens News previously wrote, a special Power Pass platform for citizens will open in June so they can apply for and receive compensation of up to 600 euros for additional electricity bills that were not covered by discounts.

The essence of the measures, announced by the leadership of the Ministries of Finance, Environment and Energy in early May, is focused on the process direct return of gains for a total amount of 280 million euros. The “damage” was incurred by owners or tenants of the main residence between December 2021 and May 2022. This refers to revaluations that were not covered by subsidies in the above period.

Subsidies for electricity bills and refunds of price hikes per kilowatt-hour totaling €3.2 billion, and a ceiling for electricity producers while suspending the adjustment clause included in the government’s plan to address rising electricity prices.

Consumers, according to the Mega report, should know the following:

  • 60% of the increased electricity costs accrued to residential consumers on basic accommodation bills issued from December 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022 are subject to reimbursement (regardless of the accounting consumption period of the bills). The billing date is calculated and the refund is made based on this, not based on the period of consumption.
  • Compensation concerns residential consumers and payment for electricity at the main place of residence (if the electricity bills were not compensated through discounts provided either by the state or suppliers).
  • The subsidy applies to Greek tax resident households with a declared family income of up to EUR 45,000. The income claimed on tax returns filed in 2021 is taken into account.
  • Compensation amounts will be returned to the consumer’s IBAN bank account.
  • The refund is given to those who have paid a total increase in the amount of electricity bills for six months more than 30 euros and therefore will receive at least 18 euros. The amount of the subsidy cannot exceed 600 euros per consumer.
  • Students are also eligible for compensation (for student housing) if they themselves file a tax return and declared the student residence as the main one.
  • Necessary the condition for receiving assistance is to submit an application on the electronic platform, which will be created by the Ministry of Digital Government and AADE. The data of the main residence will be received through the platform from ΑΑΔΕ, as well as the corresponding electricity meter number, and the recipient will confirm this data or update it in case of a change in the main residence. The electricity bill data will then be collected from the electricity providers.
  • Those who have changed their place of residence will be given the opportunity to correct if the house does not appear in the tax office as the first place of residence.
  • The refund amount is calculated per month using the following formula: refund amount = (the amount of the refund item issued during the month – the amount of the withholding from the state on the refund item – the amount of the discount from the provider on the refund item)*. Joint ownership or use rate* 60%. (Το ποσό επιστροφής υπολογίζεται, ανά μήνα, σύμφωνα με τον ακόλουθο μαθηματικό τύπο: Ποσό επιστροφής = (Ποσό ρήτρας αναπροσαρμογής λογαριασμού που εκδόθηκε εντός του μηνός – Ποσό έκπτωσης από το κράτος επί της ρήτρας αναπροσαρμογής – Ποσό έκπτωσης από τον πάροχο επί της ρήτρας αναπροσαρμογής) * Ποσοστό συνιδιοκτησίας ή χρήσης * 60%).


In addition, for May and June, as it became known, subsidies for the payment of electricity bills will apply not only to the main, but also to non-main houses, and will also concern consumption over 300 kilowatt-hours per month. As of May, the average monthly subsidy for households with consumption up to 300 kilowatt-hours is 56.6 euros. For a family with a consumption of 400 kWh, the allowance is 65.6 euros. In the same month, a subsidy of 170 euros per MWh will be given to 1,250,000 businesses. In addition, 100 euros per MWh will be provided as a subsidy for medium-sized businesses.

The essence of the measures, announced by the leadership of the Ministries of Finance, Environment and Energy in early May, is focused on the process direct return of raises for a total amount of 280 million euros. The “damage” was incurred by owners or tenants of the main residence between December 2021 and May 2022. This refers to revaluations that were not covered by subsidies in the above period.

Subsidies for electricity bills and refunds of price hikes per kilowatt-hour totaling €3.2 billion, and a ceiling for electricity producers while suspending the adjustment clause included in the government’s plan to address rising electricity prices.

Consumers, according to the Mega report, should know the following:

  • 60% of the increased electricity costs accrued to residential consumers on basic accommodation bills issued from December 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022 are subject to reimbursement (regardless of the accounting consumption period of the bills). The billing date is calculated and the refund is made based on this, not based on the period of consumption.
  • Compensation concerns residential consumers and payment for electricity at the main place of residence (if the electricity bills were not compensated through discounts provided either by the state or suppliers).
  • The subsidy applies to Greek tax resident households with a declared family income of up to EUR 45,000. The income claimed on tax returns filed in 2021 is taken into account.
  • Compensation amounts will be returned to the consumer’s IBAN bank account.
  • The refund is given to those who have paid a total increase in the amount of electricity bills for six months more than 30 euros and therefore will receive at least 18 euros. The amount of the subsidy cannot exceed 600 euros per consumer.
  • Students are also eligible for compensation (for student housing) if they themselves file a tax return and declared the student residence as the main one.
  • Necessary the condition for receiving assistance is to submit an application on the electronic platform, which will be created by the Ministry of Digital Government and AADE. The data of the main residence will be received through the platform from ΑΑΔΕ, as well as the corresponding electricity meter number, and the recipient will confirm this data or update it in case of a change in the main residence. The electricity bill data will then be collected from the electricity providers.
  • Those who have changed their place of residence will be given the opportunity to correct if the house does not appear in the tax office as the first place of residence.
  • The refund amount is calculated per month using the following formula: refund amount = (the amount of the refund item issued during the month – the amount of the withholding from the state on the refund item – the amount of the discount from the provider on the refund item)*. Joint ownership or use rate* 60%. (Το ποσό επιστροφής υπολογίζεται, ανά μήνα, σύμφωνα με τον ακόλουθο μαθηματικό τύπο: Ποσό επιστροφής = (Ποσό ρήτρας αναπροσαρμογής λογαριασμού που εκδόθηκε εντός του μηνός – Ποσό έκπτωσης από το κράτος επί της ρήτρας αναπροσαρμογής – Ποσό έκπτωσης από τον πάροχο επί της ρήτρας αναπροσαρμογής) * Ποσοστό συνιδιοκτησίας ή χρήσης * 60%).


In addition, for May and June, as it became known, subsidies for the payment of electricity bills will apply not only to the main, but also to non-main houses, and will also concern consumption over 300 kilowatt-hours per month. As of May, the average monthly subsidy for households with consumption up to 300 kilowatt-hours is 56.6 euros. For a family with a consumption of 400 kWh, the allowance is 65.6 euros. In the same month, a subsidy of 170 euros per MWh will be given to 1,250,000 businesses. In addition, 100 euros per MWh will be provided as a subsidy for medium-sized businesses.

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