September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Fixed electricity tariffs from July 1

Changes in legislative acts regarding fixed electricity tariffs will take place from July 1 of the current year.

special “help” ΔΕΗ and other electricity suppliers will provide those consumers who have stabilized tariffs with a fixed price per kilowatt-hour and are not burdened with adjustment clauses when the government’s new price reduction mechanism comes into force.

According to information DnewsΔΕΗ and other providers (with the intervention of the Ministry of Energy and the Environment) will take all necessary actions so that their customers do not pay a higher price per kilowatt-hour, which will be formed during the implementation of the new mechanism already announced by the government from July 1.

In many fixed tariffs, the final price of kWh ranges from 0.23 to 0.25 euros and has already exceeded the price of the sliding tariff, which averaged 0.21 euros/kWh last month after government subsidies.

It is expected that from distribution of subsidies for all utilities and for consumption above 300 kWh per month, the end price in the retail market at the sliding tariff will decrease further, leading to a widening gap with the fixed one.

The management of ΔΕΗ corrected the resulting distortions and brought this issue up for discussion so that the electricity companies could adjust the fee in accordance with the fixed tariffs.

In particular, ΔΕΗ’s management assured Dnews a few days ago that it will take all necessary steps to ensure that the price of fixed tariffs is set after the introduction of a new mechanism that will decouple the electricity price from its ceiling.

This means that even those who have already signed a contract to supply electricity at a price higher than 0.16 euros (which the government estimates will cost the consumer per kilowatt-hour with the new mechanism) will see their tariffs adjusted accordingly. way.

Recall that the government announced a new mechanism for curbing electricity tariffs from July 1. He will come into force from July and will last one yearand, according to energy experts, sets a ceiling for residential tariffs at 145 euros per megawatt-hour and up to 160 euros for commercial, industrial and professional enterprises.

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