September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Minister: Greece’s food market has no problems with shortages

Greece’s commodity and food market and its supply chain are running smoothly, the Minister of Rural Development said at an extraordinary meeting chaired by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Monday.

The meeting was held to discuss potential food and material shortages in the raw material sector that could arise from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Moreover, there is no shortage problem, officials at the Ministry of Rural Development said after examining the country’s food sufficiency, international data on trade in agricultural products, materials and energy, and how they affect production costs.

The absolute sufficiency of goods is also confirmed by the daily contacts of all relevant ministers with market sectors, the department added. Sunflower oil is also currently not in short supply, the report says.

Ukraine is not one of the main suppliers of grain crops to Greece, so their supplies to the Greek market continue unhindered.

It was also decided to strengthen control over unfair trading practices and possible speculation, the agency writes. ΑΜΝΑ.

PS The minister, apparently, did not have an answer to the key question: can citizens afford to buy food products, since the prices for some of them have doubled and continue to grow every day?

Manufacturers selling at the farmers’ market (likes) complain that they have lost almost half of their customers, although the prices at the market are much lower than in supermarkets.

Blame it on a “hard winter and a crazy rise in production costs,” making locally produced “agricultural products” hard to come by, say the market. Is it apparently cheaper to bring products from South America and Northern Europe?

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