September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Government measures against fan violence to be announced today

Government measures to combat fan violence will be announced today, Minister for Citizens’ Protection Takis Theodorikakos said.

Hooligan informal associations will be closed, and the punishment for violence by fans will be tougher, informs The Minister for Citizens’ Protection stated:

“The state is responding to the demand of the people to put an end to these situations. Those involved in the violence will be sentenced to imprisonment and without the possibility of parole.”

He stressed that hooligan associations are being closed, and fan clubs will work under certain conditions. Clubs will have to “adjust” to these measures and conditions, they must understand that hooligans are not their support. The minister also left open the possibility of imposing fines on clubs.

Recall that recently there have been a number of violent incidents related to fan violence. For example, in Thessaloniki, after answering the question of which team a 14-year-old is rooting for, he was severely beaten a group of 10 people. The hotel staff rescued him.

And 19-year-old Alkis Kabanos was mortally wounded during the attack more than a dozen aggressive fans – all of them detained and are under investigation. As his friends who were nearby at the time of the attack describe, the young man had nothing to do with the organized “armies” of fan clubs. And while the tragic event may have shocked Greek society, for those who closely follow what has been happening inside fan clubs lately, the young man’s fatal injury, unfortunately, was not something out of the ordinary, rather surprising that this has not happened before.

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