September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Appearance of Mitsotakis to the people

After two days of strange “disappearance” of the Greek Prime Minister, he is due to appear today at the meeting of the Council of Ministers at 11 o’clock.

Today, the head of government, as expected, will at least speak about the events that took place in the midst of bad weather and the suffering of citizens, as well as “nominate those responsible.”

Sources anonymously say that Kyriakos Mitsotakis will speak discreetly about the problems created by the blizzard, but will not fail to point out how the state machinery dealt with them. I wonder if responsibilities will be distributed today and finally responsible ones will be appointed? Even if the prime minister apologizes and admits the government’s mistakes, it is unlikely that the people who suffered and continue to experience Golgotha ​​will be “satisfied” with delayed “requests for forgiveness.” Can such suffering be “paid”?

And the key questions: what will happen to the Ministry of Civil Protection 6 months after its creation, is a replacement for Christos Stylianides coming, or will such a step be an admission of a failed policy?

In the center of attention, besides him, is Georgios Patulis. The governor of Attica is simply obliged to “apologise”, because, apart from Attica, Odos and other main roads faced serious problems due to bad weather. And this at a time when the official assured that the services were ready to meet Elpis and the roads would remain open! But already the first snow flakes covered the Katehaki, Mesageon, Siggra and Marathon.

However, as some MPs point out, Mr. Patoulis is an easy target, given that even before the storm came, intergovernmental rumors were already circulating that the ND was looking for a new person to support the periphery of Attica in 2023.


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