September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

6 new employee support measures: who is eligible for the EUR 534 benefit

New initiatives to protect jobs were proposed and endorsed at a meeting this morning chaired by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and attended by Finance Minister Christos Staikuras, Labor and Social Affairs Minister Kostis Hatzidakis and government spokesman Yiannis Ikonou.

Six new employee support measures

A joint statement from the finance and labor ministries said:

1. The measure of suspension of employment contracts with special compensation (534 euros) for January 2022 is activated for employees hired before 12/30/2021 by companies with certain business codes based on KAD (bars, restaurants with music, entertainment centers, etc.). ).

On the suspension of employment contracts with employees, the employer will have to make an application in advance in the ΠΣ ΕΡΓΑΝΗ system from January 1, 2022 to January 10, 2022 (until 23:59). It states that layoffs are prohibited for companies that will use this measure, as long as it lasts.

2. Special compensation is assigned for January 2022 after the submission of unilateral declarations by artists and creative workers registered in the relevant register before January 10, 2021 (specialty – musician and related specialties).

3. The ΣΥΝ-ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ program (which has become an important tool to support employment during the pandemic) has been extended until March 31, 2022 for full-time employees on October 31, 2021. The employer can limit the employee’s working time up to 50%, without changing the employment agreement. During the time an employee is not working, 60% of his salary is covered by the state budget. As long as an employee is a member of ΣΥΝ-ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ, he cannot be fired.

4. The transfer of employees to remote work is announced in advance to PS ERGANI. For the implementation of this measure, everything that was in force in previous periods of time will be applied.

5. Sliding arrival and departure hours are applied to relieve public transport.

6. Enhanced SEPE enforcement of mask use and distancing in workplaces.

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