September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Self-medication of COVID-19 is dangerous, doctor warns

Self-treatment, as well as an untimely appeal for help, warns the general director of the Center for Immunocorrection. NS. Khodanova Lyudmila Lapa.

The general practitioner explains that there is a kind of “window” in the treatment of coronavirus, about a week in size. During this period, correctly prescribed therapy is able to defeat him, and the person recovers. After this time, the weakened immunity loses the ability to fight, and the intoxication of the body increases significantly, the edition quotes the words of the doctor. “News”:

“Sometimes people get sick for 10 days, and only then they call a doctor, when there is already a crisis, weakness, intoxication. Self-medication for covid is a disaster. In this situation, there can be a very severe postcoid syndrome, the reaction is unpredictable. “

Lyudmila Lapa urges to seek medical help on the very first day when the temperature rises. She notes with regret that often the sick themselves prescribe antiviral drugs and patiently await improvement:

“With us, it often starts: ‘I observe isolation,’ ‘I gargle,’ and the like, but this is not enough. <...> People come to be treated with postcoid syndrome, and this is treated for three months and longer, because there the head hurts constantly, and the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) is injured, and the kidneys are injured in many, and the joints may be affected. “

Previously, Tatyana Ruzhentsova, Deputy Director for Clinical Work of the Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after G.N. Gabrichevsky Rospotrebnadzor, talked about the features of postcoid syndrome. It can be expressed as fatigue, cognitive decline, nasopharyngeal inflammation, and voice changes. O consequences of covid the candidate of medical sciences Andrey Pozdnyakov also warned.

And Nadezhda Boyarinova, a neurologist at the SM-Clinic, talking to Izvestia correspondents, told that coronavirus sometimes damages the structures of the brain – hence anxiety disorders and sleep problems. She explained that the virus enters the nervous system through the olfactory receptors in the superior turbinate.

In the biological basis of chronic fatigue syndrome and long-term covid (post-covid syndrome), American scientists have found much in common and identified the cause such a state.

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