September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Kallithea: trash collapse

The mountains of rubbish in Kallithea are growing every day. “What’s happening?” – complain the residents of the densely populated area of ​​the capital.

Overflowing trash cans, black garbage bags in the streets. This is the image that the residents and guests of Kallithea have been facing lately, throughout the week.

The cleaners went on strike, accusing the municipal administration of not providing them with the necessary protective equipment (gloves, masks, work clothes, etc.).

Rafail Millionis, president of the Kallithea Municipality Workers’ Union, says that over the past two years people have paid for personal protective equipment out of their own pockets, and so far this amount (as promised by the mayor) has not been returned.

“In 2020 and 2021, measures to approve the regulations have not yet taken place. In the midst of the coronavirus, assessing the state of the “health bomb”, we all tried to collect garbage for the good of society so that the residents of the area were safe. But the mayor hasn’t received us since June.

People demand that I go to the mayor and insist that they be provided with personal protective equipment, and then they will continue to work. We cannot order our employees to go to work without a mask and gloves, ”he said.

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