September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Study: Vaccinated People Pass Delta Strain To Their Pets

According to a British study, the Delta strain of coronavirus can easily be transmitted from vaccinated people to those with whom they live at home. However, contacts were less likely to become infected if they were also vaccinated.

A study by Imperial College London showed how contagious the Delta strain is, as it can be transmitted even among vaccinated populations. The scientists stressed that this has not diminished the importance of vaccination to reduce the risk of serious COVID disease, stressing that an increased dose is required.

The researchers found that the infection in vaccinated people “left” faster. However, the higher viral load remained the same as in the unvaccinated.

“Through repeated and frequent sampling of people who have been exposed to COVID-19, we have found that vaccinated individuals can become infected and transmit the infection within the family, including its vaccinated members. Our results provide important insight into why the Delta variant continues to cause large numbers of COVID-19 cases worldwide, even in countries with high vaccination rates, ”said Dr Anika Shinganagam, study co-chair.

The study involved 621 people. It turned out that of 205 contacts of people infected with the Delta variant, 38% of unvaccinated people tested positive for the new coronavirus. Among those vaccinated, 25% were positive.

Contact persons who were found to be positive for COVID-19, on average, were vaccinated much earlier (at the beginning of the year) than those who tested negative. For this reason, scientists emphasize the need for a 3rd dose of the vaccine.

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