July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The fisherman caught the wanted man and threw it back into the sea

The missing and wanted 74-year-old swimmer, or rather his body, was found by a fisherman, but … thrown back into the sea.

Pulling out the net, Mega reports, the fisherman saw the body of a deceased swimmer entangled in it. However, instead of reaching the coast and notifying the authorities, he hastened to get rid of it by throwing it into the sea. The Greek Coast Guard said in a statement:

“Yesterday morning, a 52-year-old man, fishing from a boat in the Xinovrisi offshore area of ​​Pelion, pulled out nets, which entangled a 74-year-old missing underwater fisherman. However, he threw it back into the sea with his nets, without reporting the incident to the authorities. “

The incident in Pelion is shocking: an elderly deceased man has been on the wanted list since the day before yesterday, 12 September. The fisherman was arrested yesterday evening by the authorities for “failure to notify the body.” He was detained at the MELANIE beach in Pelion (Magnesia). The man is charged with a violation of Article 181 of Law 4619/2019 of the Criminal Code – failure to report the discovery of the dead. The Volos Central Port Authority is conducting a preliminary investigation.

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