September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece: 5895 suspension notices of unvaccinated health workers

To date, a total of 5,895 work suspension notices have been issued to public and private health workers in Greece who refuse to receive vaccinations.

Suspension notices are issued by the hospital and facility administration. The deadline given to health workers for their mandatory Covid-19 vaccination expired on Wednesday.

The government said it would not extend the deadline and would continue the suspension, while deducting the days of suspension from the wages.

Among the suspension notices was one addressed to a doctor at Agia Elena Hospital in Athens, a unionist who had received both vaccinations since winter. Dr.Kostas Katarahias reported that his social media account was blocked.

After massive outrage Ministry of Health stated that it had launched an internal investigation and that the suspension of Katarahias would be overturned.

It is noteworthy that the platform ELLINIKA HOAXES censorship in the Greek segment of the Internet, which previously blocked Katarahias, has not reversed its decision and continues to block all opponents of vaccination, claiming that they are spreading fake information.

As we previously reported, the support medical staff platform for applying for temporary jobs opened on September 1st. It will only be open until September 8 to fill any gaps in services in which medical personnel have been suspended.

Greek health workers’ union POEDIN said Wednesday that a total of 10,000 hospital employees have not been vaccinated, which means they are 99% likely to be suspended from work.

The suspension of doctors, nurses, ambulances, laboratories, administrative and other personnel is expected to cause a collapse in hospitals, ambulances and the entire public health system.

The government decided to deal with the problem in its own way. The amendment introduced to Parliament on Thursday by the Ministry of Health, as reportedly will provide an opportunity to fill vacancies by private companies, especially in relation to cleaning and catering services, while laboratory tests will be transferred to private diagnostic centers.

If ambulance needs are not met, the private sector can also intervene. Another question is how the doctors themselves will react to this, given the rather strong position of the trade unions in the country, strikebreakers expect not only spitting in their direction, but also blows from the gateways.

With the suspension of the work of unvaccinated workers, a domino effect may begin, which, most likely, the new Minister of Health, who was sworn in the day before, will have to deal with.

So, with a high probability, the previous mass strikes of opponents of compulsory vaccination will seem only flowers. After the doctors really start to protest.

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