September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

And it’s raining again in the Parthenon gallery …

In the British Museum, rainwater again flows from the roof onto Greek treasures stored in galleries closed because of this, according to Art Newspaper.

In the hall of sculptures of the Parthenon, another nuisance after the July rains in London. Water flowing from the roof has delayed the opening of seven Greek galleries, scheduled for the end of last month. They were closed for 7 months, due to renovations and a blockage due to a pandemic, and now one of them is dripping again. This fact was confirmed to the publication by a representative of the British Museum: “In July, water got into one of the galleries.” At the same time, he could neither identify the gallery nor name a new date for the opening of the exhibition to the public.

This is not the first emergency with the Greek treasures stored in an improper form in the museum. In 2018, Greek TV channels already broadcast images of dripping water in the gallery, which houses the sculptures stolen by Lord Elgin from the Parthenon. Then the museum assured that “none of the sculptures was damaged and the problem was solved”.

However, the images convincingly proved that the British Museum did not take proper care of the sculptures of the Parthenon. Lina Mendoni, Minister of Culture of Greece, said in 2019:

“The abandonment shown in photographs from the British Museum reinforces Greece’s legal and ongoing demand for the sculptures to be returned to Athens and reunited with the Parthenon.”

Recent visitors to the Greek galleries enjoyed the unique exhibits at the end of last year. The museum closed on December 16 due to the coronavirus lockdown and reopened five months later, on May 17, 2021. However, maintenance work in the Greek galleries continued and they remained closed.

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