September 22, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Dismissals of unvaccinated people: how it happens in Estonia

In Tallinn, layoffs of those who did not want to get vaccinated began, and the first to lose their jobs were … doctors. Fifteen ambulance workers who refused vaccinations ended up on the street, according to ERR, and this is just the beginning.

Raul Adlas, the chief physician of the ambulance, told about the details of the incident. He clarified that the contracts with the “refuseniks” have been terminated. There are about 500 employees in the service, and all of them were warned in advance – those who do not agree with the vaccination by August will be fired. He explains:

“As far as the healthcare sector is concerned, my opinion is that only people with the lowest risk of contracting infectious diseases should be admitted to patients with severe conditions and patients in nursing homes. The only proven method for this is vaccination.”

The disgruntled health workers argued and threatened to sue, urging the authorities to fire the chief physician himself. They called on the employer to prove there was no alternative to vaccinations. This situation persisted for a month, but all those dismissed remained as such.

Ulla Saar from the Estonian Ministry of Justice explained that there is no compulsory vaccination, enshrined at the legislative level in the country. However, the head of the medical institution can make such a decision, ensuring safety, and the law gives him this right. Previously, he must convey his position to the team and set a specific deadline for making the right decision. In the event that employees continue to flatly refuse to be vaccinated, the manager has the right to fire them.

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