September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The heat returns from Monday …

The National Meteorological Service of Greece reports that the days of moderately hot weather are coming to an end and from Monday the heat starts again …

Due to the decrease in the speed of the storm winds that have dominated most of Greece for the past few days, the air temperature will begin to rise sharply. According to the initial forecasts of the National Meteorological Service, it is possible that on Tuesday in some parts of the country the thermometer will reach 39 ° С, possibly 40 ° С. Meteorologist Nikos Kanteres spoke about the changing weather, noting that there are always hot days in Greece in July. Regarding the impending heatwave that we expect from the start of the week, Mr Canderes stated:

Since Monday, a new wave of hot air has been coming from North Africa, which will initially affect western Greece. But from Tuesday until the end of the week, this “hot plague” will continue, get bigger and spread across the country. Temperatures are predicted to reach 40 ° C-42 ° C. At the same time, the heat will continue in the first days of August.

Then Mr. Canteres emphasized that everyone should be careful, especially the elderly and those with health problems, adding that the risk of fires is increasing:

Everyone needs attention. Especially the elderly and everyone with health problems. It should be noted that, as expected, the minimum daily temperature will rise significantly. We are heading for another wave of hot weather, which will start mainly on Tuesday and will last until the end of July and, possibly, the first days of August. She will demand attention from all of us.

Recommended reading: Caution, heat! How to deal with it: tips and tricks

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