September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Heat and coronavirus – how the weather affects COVID-19

Russian infectious disease specialist Vikulov spoke about the features of coronavirus infection in the summer heat, RIA Novosti reports.

Immunologist Georgy Vikulov, an infectious disease doctor, director of the Research Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections, warns in an interview on Sputnik radio about the negative impact of warm weather on patients infected with coronavirus. The effect of high temperatures on patients with cardiovascular pathologies is especially dangerous. They have a hard time tolerating heat, and the presence of coronavirus significantly worsens their condition. The doctor explains:

When it comes to any mass infection during warm weather, if we do not take into account intestinal infection, there is a load on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and since many Russians have pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, these are quite common diseases, the load is still increases more. Such people are more difficult to tolerate heat, and they may have a harder course of coronavirus infection.

The loss of fluid by the body in the heat further aggravates the situation – dehydration contributes to the formation of blood clots and increases the risk of intoxication, Vikulov draws attention:

This is especially dangerous with coronavirus. If you do not replace the lost fluid, dehydration will begin, which is dangerous for weakened people.

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