September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

USA: the streets of the “most rat” city took control of cats

In Chicago, thousands of cats have come to grips with the rats that have flooded the city. By releasing the animals, the authorities are hoping to solve a perennial rodent problem, according to WGN 9.

The initiator was the Tree House Society of Animal Defenders. Chicago has consistently been recognized as the “ratiest” American city. They decided to fight rodents in the most ecological way – with the help of cats.

The project of the humane society Tree House is called intriguingly – “Cats at Work”. Its participants are animals that cannot be returned after sterilization to their former locations. For example, an abandoned house where captured cats lived was demolished. Employees of the organization say: “These are feral animals that will not settle into a home or shelter. The Cats at Work project gives them the chance to live a better life. “

The essence of the project is as follows. Property owners suffering from rat infestation are applying to Tree House. Volunteers of the organization give them two or three cats who work for new owners for a roof over their heads, food and care. Very often, animals change the status of a “hired employee” to a more attractive “family member”.

Sarah Liss, an employee of Tree House, explains that usually cats do not eat a lot of rodents, their active extermination occurs only at the very beginning. And then the rats try to stay away from the houses where the cats live, says Liss: “They actually hold back the rats with their pheromones.”

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