September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Football fans injure a man outside a courthouse in the center of Athens

One of the group of 30 football ultras, armed with batons and edged weapons, passing by a 24-year-old man, stabbed him in the leg. The attack took place on Wednesday morning, near the building of the Court of Appeal of Athens, in full view of the police.

The attackers were not embarrassed by the presence of numerous police squads in the area, which is considered one of the most protected in Athens.

According to media reports, the victim, who had nothing to do with lawyers, security forces, or even football fans, simply, to his misfortune, left the cafe, which is located opposite the central court building and stood on the edge of the road when a group of 30 people in hoods and with sticks in their hands.

The victim did not even understand what had happened and only a few seconds later he saw that he was bleeding. As it turned out, in passing one of the “fans” hit the young man with a knife in the thigh. A 24-year-old man told his accompanying friend that he was not feeling well and fell to the pavement. Fortunately, a doctor was nearby, who tied the wounded leg with her handkerchief, and the father of the victim in his car quickly took his son to a private hospital, where his wound was sewn up.

It is noted that the trial in the case of fan violence was supposed to take place in the Athens Court of Appeal, to which the victim had nothing to do, as he was there on his own business. The media specify that the trial did not take place and was once again postponed.

The wounded man is the son of a famous boat trader and is well known in the northern suburbs. The young man was present at the courthouse because of his own court case, not related to the process of violence among football fans. According to the father, the life of the victim is out of danger, however, the injury was very serious, as the blow of the knife damaged the large vessels in the leg and could be fatal in the absence of immediate medical attention.

It is worth noting that the police were informed in advance about the presence of a group of football ultras near the court building, however, as usual, they withdrew themselves. A little later, law enforcement officers found a car in which there were four suspicious, from their point of view, men. A check of the car showed that sticks, pieces of rebar and other items that are usually used in fights are hidden in the trunk. Four suspects have been detained.

According to our publication, such a condescending attitude towards football hooligans is due to the fact that the Greek police and local intelligence agencies patronize the ultras, periodically recruiting agents from these natural gangs to provocation during opposition political rallies in order to discredit left-wing political forces, disguising them as anarchists .

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