October 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

NASA: “In a few weeks the existence of aliens will be announced”!

Professor NASA Simon Holland, who is also a documentarian for the US space agency and heads a team to detect Earth-threatening asteroids, told the Mirror that in a few weeks the existence of… aliens will be announced!

According to him, the Chinese have made the same discovery, and they may be the first to announce it.

“We have discovered non-human alien intelligence in our galaxy, and people don’t know about it.” Holland explains that the information came from Mark Zuckerbeg's Breakthrough Listen group, a private initiative that aims to find evidence of civilizations beyond Earth.

He says the revelations could be made public within the next month to coincide with the US elections!

He claims that astronomers have discovered clear evidence of transmissions from another world.

Several years ago, using the Parkes telescope in Australia, they discovered signs of a non-human technological signature.”, he says.

However, there is a second group of astronomers who have similar evidence, and they are threatening to overtake Simon's team:

“This is the latest news, but the Chinese, who are implementing the FAST program, will be the first to announce it [сферический телескоп с апертурой пятьсот метров]. This is the largest telescope in the world after Arecibo.”

The coordinates of the object known as BLC-1 are believed to be known to the Chinese. and the two groups compete to see who can make the prestigious announcement first.

Five potential candidates with signature technology were identified through analysis of the SETI “Seti at Home” program, which used the pooled resources of computers around the world to “filter” the masses of data obtained from radio telescopes and combine them together.

BLC-1, according to Simon, is considered the most promising.

Whatever the source of the BLC-1 signals, Simon notes, it is unlike any known natural phenomenon.

This is the only point source – he says, “and it’s not just noise.

“The signal, instead of being the giant hum of everything in the Universe that we hear through all the radio telescopes, was a narrow electromagnetic spectrum,” he emphasizes.

In short, the professor is saying that this is a specific signal emanating from a certain space somewhere in the Universe.

Astronomers have been excited about possible “alien” emissions before – when pulsars were first discovered, they were classified as “LGMs” or “little green men.”

And “Wow!” 1977!

Scientists are understandably extremely cautious before making an announcement. but Simon believes it could follow – either from Breakthrough Listen at Oxford or from the Chinese team – any time in the next month or so.

“It would be great if this coincided with the US elections,” he joked.

From a mathematical point of view, the belief of most people in the existence of aliens (there are trillions of planets in our galaxy alone) has always raised eyebrows because there is no clear evidence that they visited our planet.

This surprise is expressed in the Fermi paradox.

The Fermi Paradox is a logical paradox developed by physicist Enrico Fermi about the complete lack of evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Since quantity planets in our galaxy, not to mention the entire universe, are incredibly large, there is a theoretically high probability that some percentage of these planets developed life, and then an even smaller percentage evolved into intelligent civilizations that developed the ability for interstellar travel, so based on these numbers, Earth should have already received a visit from extraterrestrials civilizations.

There have been many attempts to explain this paradox: from the belief that intelligent alien civilizations are extremely rare, to the belief that the vast distances in the Universe are an extremely large barrier to contacts between civilizations on different planets, and from the belief that other intelligent civilizations do not exist, to beliefs that they are already on Earth, but remain unnoticed.

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