October 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

South Korean Defense Ministry: North Korea may send military personnel to Ukraine to support Russia

North Korea may send troops to Ukraine in support of Russia.” Seoul believes that Kim Jong-un will send his military to Ukraine.

How reports Yonhap News, South Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun stated that “Such a development could pose a serious challenge to regional security. He noted that North Korea's possible intervention in the conflict in Ukraine is associated with strengthening relations between Pyongyang and Moscow. These concerns are raised against the backdrop of previously signed agreements between the two countries that could promote military cooperation .

Kim Yong Hyun also commented on Ukrainian media reports that six North Korean soldiers were allegedly killed in the combat zone in early October. The minister stated that this information, “most likely true”transmits “Yonhap”. The Kremlin and the Russian Ministry of Defense did not comment on Kim Yong Hyun’s statements.

Seoul recalled the mutual agreement between Russia and the DPRK

The South Korean Defense Minister recalled that Russia and the DPRK signed a mutual agreement. “Since Russia and North Korea signed a mutual agreement similar to a military alliance, the possibility of such a deployment [отправки войск КНДР на Украину] very likely” – he said. We are talking about the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement between countries. According to the document, Russia and North Korea Deal on the immediate provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of them.

Putin has already spoken out about the participation of volunteers from the DPRK in the Northern Military District

In September 2023, Putin met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the Vostochny Cosmodrome; the meeting lasted more than five hours. After this, publications appeared in the Western media that citizens of the DPRK could be recruited to participate in hostilities in the Northwestern Military District zone.

In September 2023, the President of Russia named “complete nonsense” talk about the supposed dispatch of North Korean volunteers to the military operation zone. Putin said that Russians sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense to participate in military operations, guided by “with the highest patriotic considerations.”

In July, North Korea's state news agency KCNA reported about the visit to Russia of the delegation of the Kim Il Sung Military University. Details about the meeting were not provided. Dmitry Peskov refused talk about the details of the visit, redirecting the question to the Russian Ministry of Defense. At the same time, he noted that Russia intends “to further develop and deepen relations in all possible areas with one of our closest neighbors, North Korea.”

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