October 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece: bullying "getting younger" – A 4-year-old autistic child was beaten by children and had his teeth broken (video)

A four-year-old boy was bullied and beaten at school. The offenders turned out to be two… five-year-old children. What is this – a simple quarrel between kids or bullying?*

The mother reported the beating of her son, saying that the incident occurred during a break at school. The boy's damaged teeth were removed, and the doctor prescribed special treatment for at least two years.

The woman says writes edition of CNN Greece, what's over her son children as young as 5 bulliedhowever, the consequences turned out to be quite serious. She was informed about what had happened, softening, in her words, the description of the situation:

“The way it was presented to me, it didn’t seem that serious. That's why I didn't quit my job. When I got my baby, his gums were completely black and bleeding. It still hurts. This process will take years. The doctor said that the blow was inflicted with feet or fists. My child said that he was hit by two older children, five years old. Since he has autism**, there should be support during recess, that is, additional supervision, I still don’t know where he was.”

The child's family's lawyer, Nikos Alexandris, said:

“The mother complains that for 10 days the school did not give her an official answer as to what exactly happened. The mother of the injured child is herself a teacher, and the child has special needs, who by law must have special supervision while at school.”

*Bullying represents bullying of one of the children by peers. May manifest as intimidation, bullying and other forms of aggressive behavior. Most often occurs when there is some kind of inequality,

**Autism in simple words, this is a special state of a person when there is no desire to communicate with someone. Autists are special children or people who protect themselves from the influence of society, and they absolutely do not care about the opinions of others. How and where this disorder in the brain begins, no one knows for sure.

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