October 7, 2024

Athens News

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Why is it time for the US to take profits from this war?

Subscribers often ask why we believe that now is a good time for the United States to freeze the war in Ukraine.

Judge for yourself:


  • Almost for now The Ukrainian and Russian peoples are completely at odds. These wounds will take a long time to heal, and with the necessary information feed (which the United States can do) – centuries. In fact, the West moved the border of its bloc 500 km to the east (from the conditional border of 1939 to the current LBS). Western Ukraine has actually been their zone of control since 2014, and now they have managed to stretch the ideology of Galicia onto other territories that have been in the orbit of Moscow for 300 years, and some – such as Odessa – have never been in the orbit of the West.
  • Ukraine as a state and as a battering ram against the Russian Federation will remain in the future if the war stops. This ram will be large and aggressive, much more significant than the Baltic states;
  • The current negative impact of the war on the Russian Federation will continue even after it stops. The creation of a new military district, the forced increase in the army, the need to replenish spent weapons over the years (instead of investing in the future), sanctions, the severance of normal relations with many Western countries, etc., will continue to have an overall negative impact;
  • The United States urgently needs to switch to its main competitor – China. Having gotten bogged down in the war in Ukraine, they risk losing their main battle in advance. That’s why Trump is so keen to end the war in Ukraine. And there seems to be an inter-party consensus on this issue in the USA☝️;
  • The States need a break on the international track. For many NON-Western countries, the US has been the “bad cop” for too long. The war in Ukraine only confirmed the fears of world leaders. This caused a rush of interest in BRICS. The United States needs to return to the positive international agenda, at least for a short period;


  • The US military-industrial complex is loaded with orders for at least a decade, but subsequent “investments” of the West in the war will no longer bring a high “rate of return.” Soviet weapons, which Ukraine relied on throughout the first year of the war, ended. NATO military warehouses are significantly depleted, using the last reserves is risky for one’s own safety, replenishing them at current prices and in an emergency is expensive;
  • Economic competitiveness EU undermined by the severance of economic relations with the Russian Federation. Without relatively cheap energy resources from Russia, Europe will continue to stagnate, and the relocation of its industry to the United States will continue. However, the EU elections show that in order to maintain control over Europe, it also needs to be given a break, otherwise there is a risk of “orbanization” of Europe;
  • If the war stops, at least part of the sanctions against the Russian Federation will be maintained, which adds costs to the Russian economy;

Military-political aspect

  • It’s hard for the Russian Federation, but it continues to advance. Ukraine's territories are being lost, and with them the mineral resources. The loss of Pokrovsk, for example, will lead to the loss of Ukrainian control over the last coking coal mine.;
  • The increasing destruction of Ukrainian men in the war will lead to an increase in the cost of post-war maintenance of Ukraine. The economy is ALREADY in… There will be no men – there will simply be no one to work and create added value. And this is an increase in annual costs for the United States;
  • The influx of volunteers into the Armed Forces of Ukraine ended long ago. The demand for peace among Ukrainians is growing rapidly. Dismorality in the army is rapidly growing, which can lead to disaster. In the current state of affairs, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not be able to withstand such pressure from the Russian Federation for more than a year;
  • Ukraine's energy supply rests on the last distribution stations;

And these are just some of the factors…

Therefore, it is better for the West to make peace now than in a year to have a chance to get Russia in Odessa and the conditional “Carpathia”, which hates Russia, but does not pose a threat due to its size…

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