October 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Terrible tragedy in Larissa: a young woman died in a cotton processing machine

On the morning of October 7, a terrible tragedy occurred at a cotton processing plant located in the municipality of Killeler Larisa: a 25-year-old factory worker died in an accident.

At 3:51 a.m., she found herself “pinned” by a moving mechanism. In order to rescue her from there, the help of 10 firefighters was required, who quickly arrived in three vehicles. The victim was taken by EKAV ambulance to the Larisa General Hospital on duty, where, unfortunately, doctors pronounced her dead.

Cotton processing machines play an important role in the textile industrybut they may be life threateningif not followed security measures. Here are a few key points:

  1. Mechanical hazards: Cotton gin machines contain many moving parts that can cause serious injury if the operator gets caught in the machinery.
  2. Dust and air pollution: Cotton processing produces large amounts of dust, which can cause respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis or even pneumoconiosis.
  3. Chemicals: During the processing of cotton, various chemicals can be used, which, if handled incorrectly, can cause burns, allergic reactions or poisoning.
  4. Noise: High noise levels from operating machines can cause hearing loss in workers if protective equipment is not used.

To minimize risks, it is important to follow all safety precautions, use protective equipment and regularly maintain machines.

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