September 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

In Ukraine, changes have been made to the age requirements for mobilization and they are going to eliminate commissions for military registration

Member of the Committee on National Security and Defense of the Verkhovna Rada, people's deputy Fyodor Venislavsky spoke about the limitations and innovations of the mobilization of men in Ukraine.

He confirmed that indeed limited the mobilization of Ukrainians aged 50+. The People's Deputy noted in a conversation with publication that after 50 years, only those who have scarce military specialties are mobilized, according to separate instructions from the General Staff – this is the “general position of the military leadership.”

Venislavsky confirmed that the directive of the command of the Ground Forces contains a provision limiting the mobilization of men aged 50-60 years. But Until the age of 60, he emphasized, they still remain liable for military service:

“The units actually refuse to accept those liable for military service over the age of 50. If they do not have an important military specialty, there is no point in mobilizing them now. But this does not mean that it is enshrined at the legislative level that they will not be mobilized. All men from 18 to 60 years old. The decision on mobilization is made by the General Staff, taking into account the needs.”

The People's Deputy added that in practice, “the number of such mobilized people is minimal”: after all, the vast majority of military units are assault units, and after 50 years, “few citizens are suitable for attack aircraft.”

The Internet also expanded rumors about the impossibility of mobilizing those with limited fitness between the ages of 18 and 25. The people's deputy explained:

“In the first reading, the Verkhovna Rada supported the bill banning the mobilization of limited-fit men under 25 years of age. There is no point in it now. The military also understands this. Therefore, according to my information, such cases (mobilization of limited-fit 18-25 years old) have not been recorded.”

Earlier, people's deputies of “European Solidarity” Irina Gerashchenko and Alexey Goncharenko reported that The Ministry of Defense could likely issue an order banning the mobilization of “limitedly fit” men under the age of 25 and suspending the conscription of men between 50 and 60 years of age without specific orders from the General Staff.

The command of the Ground Forces confirmed that they had resolved “some issues regarding conscription.” However, they did not specify what changes were being discussed and what categories of military personnel or reservists they affected.

And one more innovation. It is planned to liquidate the registration commission and cancel the medical examination. The Ministry of Defense has developed a bill allowing Ukrainians of military age to register for military service online using electronic identification means. The press service reported this Ministry of Defense on Thursday, September 26th.

The document has already been approved at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. You can register for military registration of conscripts and clarify your personal data through electronic identification in the service Electronic account of conscripts, conscripts and reservists.

Commissions for registration are planned to be eliminated. Also in the plans – cancel the medical examination when registering for military service. Citizens receiving higher education will undergo a medical examination before practical training in basic combined arms training.

Previously, our publication reported that Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine simplified receiving payments in connection with the death of military personnel at the front or disability after injury. The decision on payments will be made by the Ministry of Veterans of Ukraine, and the money will be transferred to a bank card.

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