September 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Flu vaccine arrives in pharmacies, what about the covid vaccine

Ahead of the flu season, which usually starts in October, vaccines against the seasonal disease have appeared on the shelves of pharmacies in Thessaloniki.

According to the Pharmaceutical Association of Thessaloniki (ΣΤΥ), 200,000 influenza vaccines have been ordered for the period 2024-2025, while a significant number have also arrived in the private pharmacies of the prefecture. To date, 70% of the vaccines have been received, while the remaining 30% are expected no later than the end of September.

It is expected that after the adoption Law No. 5102/24 (Article 47) will complete all the necessary procedures so that pharmacies can begin vaccinating against COVID-19. «The main difficulty with this particular class of vaccines is that one dose is designed for 6 people, which means that when the vial is opened, six people must be vaccinated at once so that no dose is wasted.” explains Dionysios Eugenides, president of the Pharmaceutical Association of Thessaloniki.

However, it has not yet been determined, when exactly will COVID-19 vaccines start being administered in pharmaciesThe adopted law states that The cost for citizens will be 5 euros, including VAT.

«It is very important that with the adoption of Law No. 5102/24, certified pharmacists will be able to vaccinate adults from this year. The exceptions are people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women (for all vaccines except the flu vaccine)”Mr. Eugenides emphasizes.

Regarding flu vaccination, the FSTG President notes that the best period for its implementation is from the beginning of October to the end of November, although it is possible that it can be carried out later. According to experts, the seasonal flu season lasts from October to April, with a possible peak between January and March.

«Flu vaccines are provided free of charge by insurance funds and sold in pharmacies at no cost to the person being vaccinated. The drug takes about two weeks to take effect and produce antibodies in the human body“,” says Mr. Eugenides, adding that “The Ministry of Health is expected to reactivate a special platform this year for the administration of regular flu vaccines in pharmacies without a medical prescription“.

The Pharmaceutical Association of Thessaloniki plans to carry out a campaign to inform citizens about influenza vaccination through radio and social media.

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