September 24, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Two videos document the brutal beating of a 14-year-old girl in Glyfada by a group of minors

Two videos of brutal beatings made public 14 year old girl in Glyfada by a group of minors. The video was filmed on Lazaraki Street on Saturday evening, near a clothing store, when the girl was with her friends.

She was attacked with fists and feet until she fell to the ground. Charges of causing bodily harm have already been brought in this case, and Two minors, classmates of the girl, and their parents were reportedly arrested.

The nightmare she had been living for the past few months.

The girl had been living a nightmare lately. As she told the authorities, her two classmates who had taken part in her beating had been bullying her since May last year. In fact, this was not the first time she had been attacked: two classmates had attacked her in early September, again in Glyfada.

The latest attack on the minor took place on Saturday evening on Lazaraki Street, and according to some reports, the attackers agreed on it online. Lawsuits for bodily harm have already been filed in the case, and two minors, the girl's classmates and their parents, have reportedly been arrested.

As the 14-year-old girl's father told police, The criminals forcibly took his daughter to a dark place and attacked her from behind without reason, hitting her on the head, causing her to fall to the ground, unconscious. Moreover, the father notes, They tried to undress her and set her hair on fire. After this, the attackers left, and the girl with injuries was taken in by her parents.

An investigation followed, which, as mentioned above, resulted in the arrest of two of the girl's classmates and their parents, and the victim reportedly identified another person.

Another person is wanted

In particular, as the press secretary reported to one of the TV channels EL.AS. Constance Demoglidou, the girl identified another person who is wanted. According to the press secretary ELA, “Most of those present at the attack were girls the same age as the victim. Most of them watched what was happening, and none of them reported it to the authorities.” “The victim knew some of the children, as well as the two girls who were arrested,” added Demoglida.

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