September 22, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek MEPs Who Voted to Bomb Russia from Ukraine

Under threat of total war with Russia

In its resolution The European Parliament calls for lifting all restrictions on Ukraine regarding bombing of Russian territory very long-range weapons supplied to Zelensky's army by NATO countries.

In the resolution adopted 425 votes in favor, 131 against and 63 abstentions, It is said that until the existing restrictions are lifted, Ukraine will not be able to fully exercise its right to “self-defense” by bombings… of Moscow.

At the same time the document saysthat if the current restrictions are not lifted, Ukraine “will be unable to fully exercise its right to self-defence and will remain susceptible to attacks on its population and infrastructure.”

The European Parliament stresses that insufficient supplies of ammunition and restrictions on their use risk undermining the efforts achieved so far and expresses “deep regret” in connection with the reduction by member states of the financial volume of bilateral military assistance to Ukraine.

MEPs also reiterate their call on Member States EU to fulfill the commitment made in March 2023 to deliver Ukraine million missiles and accelerate the delivery of weapons, air defense systems and ammunition, including TAURUS missiles.

They also reaffirm their position that all EU Member States and NATO Allies must commit themselves collectively and individually to provide Ukraine with military support annually in the amount of no less than 0.25% of their GDP.

Among the MEPs' “calls” there was not a single one that spoke of the need to stop the fighting, to agree on a ceasefire, or to find a negotiated diplomatic solution leading to a lasting and sustainable peace in the region… Everything to continue the war, and nothing more. Greek MEPs who voted to continue the war and bomb Russia all the way to Moscow and perhaps even further:

From ND: George Avtias, Eliza Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Manolis Kefalogiannis, Eleonora Meleti, Dionysios-Fredis Beleris, Dimitris Tsiodras.

From PASOK: Sakis Arnautoglu, Giannis Maniatis, Nikos Papandreou did not vote.


In a statement by the speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin It is stated that the European Parliament calls on EU countries to lift restrictions on strikes by Ukrainian long-range weapons on Russian territory, to increase military support for Kyiv, and to announce a collection of financial resources from the population of Europe for the needs of the Ukrainian army.What the European Parliament is calling for is leading to a global war with the use of nuclear weapons,” Volodin wrote on his Telegram channel.

According to him, in this case attacks Western weapons in the depths of the country, the Russian Federation will give a tough response “using the most powerful weapons”while he did not fail to note that the flight time of the Sarmat missile to Strasbourg is 3 minutes 20 seconds.

Florian Filippo: “A crazy resolution that will lead to war is crazy.” French politician and leader of the Patriots party Florian Philippot called the European Parliament's resolution in favor of lifting restrictions on the use of Western weapons against Russia “madness.”

“The European Parliament wants total war. In this case, he is in solidarity with the position of NATO’s most aggressive “hawks,” Filippo said in his post on the X website. According to him, France must urgently leave the EU and support a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian conflict.

Note that European Parliament resolutions do not have legal force and are only advisory in nature, but the message from Brussels is clear: da – continuation of the war, no – cessation of hostilities.

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