September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Shootout between Roma and Albanians in Petrula Square

Shots fired in the central square of Kolonos frightened local residents, who witnessed clashes between Albanians and gypsies.

The incident took place on Wednesday evening (18/09) at Petrula Square.

At least nine shots were fired, as can be heard in a video provided by the Star TV channel, during the attack on a 25-year-old man in Kolonos as people were walking down the street. The conflict between Roma and Albanians led to the criminals opening fire from a car, ignoring the citizens who were walking at the time. During the shooting, people began running into shops to protect themselves. “I hear gunshots and I do this to avoid being shot at,” – an eyewitness told Star.

It is no secret that gangs of gypsies and Albanians are armed and do not hesitate to use pistols on the streets and squares of Greece, despite the fact that ordinary citizens, including children, are present there at the time. And if there are no prohibitions against Albanians, then the police try not to touch the gypsies.

The conflict between the gangs reportedly began over who would dominate the markets. 4 Albanians arrested. After searches, police from the Rapid Response Unit found two of the criminals' vehicles and arrested four Albanian shooters aged between 20 and 32.

New Democracy MPs Markopoulos and Plevris demanded that competent ministers informed them about the policy of combating gypsy crime. Apparently this request became the impetus that led the sleepy mechanism of the Greek police into motion and caused police operation in Fili.

Previously, the Greek police tried not to touch the Roma, apparently fulfilling an agreement between the country's political leadership and the leaders of the Roma communities. However, judging by the events of recent days, the gypsies have crossed the boundaries permitted to them, which has caused a corresponding response from the authorities.

Let us recall that today, on the morning of September 20, 100 employees of the West Attica Police Department, as well as the MAT, OPKEEKAM carried out an operation check gypsy camp in the Fili area.

The operation was recorded by two police drones, and specially trained dogs were used to detect drugs. According to initial reports, weapons, drugs, archaeological valuables, gold coins and gold items that were listed as stolen were found. According to the police, pounds sterling were found hidden in a car tire located in one of the Roma houses.

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